
an opportunity of saying that, as Captain Servadac had already

been presented to the Spaniards as governor of the island,

he thought it advisable that he should really assume that position.

"Every body of men," he observed, "must have a head, and you,

as a Frenchman, should, I think, take the command of this

fragment of a French colony. My men, I can answer for it,

are quite prepared to recognize you as their superior officer."

"Most unhesitatingly," replied Servadac, "I accept the post with

all its responsibilities. We understand each other so well that I

feel sure we shall try and work together for the common good;

and even if it be our fate never again to behold our fellow creatures,

I have no misgivings but that we shall be able to cope with whatever

difficulties may be before us."

As he spoke, he held out his hand. The count took it, at the same

time making a slight bow. It was the first time since their meeting

that the two men had shaken hands; on the other hand, not a single

word about their former rivalry had ever escaped their lips;

perhaps that was all forgotten now.

The silence of a few moments was broken by Servadac saying, "Do you

not think we ought to explain our situation to the Spaniards?"

"No, no, your Excellency," burst in Ben Zoof, emphatically; "the fellows

are chicken-hearted enough already; only tell them what has happened,

and in sheer despondency they will not do another stroke of work."

"Besides," said Lieutenant Procope, who took very much the same view

as the orderly, "they are so miserablyignorant they would be sure

to misunderstand you."

"Understand or misunderstand," replied Servadac, "I do not think

it matters. They would not care. They are all fatalists.

Only give them a guitar and their castanets, and they will soon

forget all care and anxiety. For my own part, I must adhere

to my belief that it will be advisable to tell them everything.

Have you any opinion to offer, count?"

"My own opinion, captain, coincides entirely with yours.

I have followed the plan of explaining all I could to my men on board

the _Dobryna_, and no inconvenience has arisen."

"Well, then, so let it be," said the captain; adding, "It is

not likely that these Spaniards are so ignorant as not to have

noticed the change in the length of the days; neither can they

be unaware of the physical changes that have transpired.

They shall certainly be told that we are being carried away

into unknown regions of space, and that this island is nearly

all that remains of the Old World."

"Ha! ha!" laughed Ben Zoof, aloud; "it will be fine sport to watch

the old Jew's face, when he is made to comprehend that he is flying

away millions and millions of leagues from all his debtors."

Isaac Hakkabut was about fifty yards behind, and was consequently

unable to overhear the conversation. He went shambling along,

half whimpering and not unfrequently invoking the God of Israel;

but every now and then a cunning light gleamed from his eyes,

and his lips became compressed with a grim significance.

None of the recent phenomena had escaped his notice, and more than

once he had attempted to entice Ben Zoof into conversation upon

the subject; but the orderly made no secret of his antipathy to him,

and generally replied to his advances either by satire or by banter.

He told him that he had everything to gain under the new system

of nights and days, for, instead of living the Jew's ordinary

life of a century, he would reach to the age of two centuries;

and he congratulated him upon the circumstance of things having become

so light, because it would prevent him feeling the burden of his years.

At another time he would declare that, to an old usurer like him,

it could not matter in the least what had become of the moon,

as he could not possibly have advanced any money upon her.

And when Isaac, undaunted by his jeers, persevered in besetting him

with questions, he tried to silence him by saying, "Only wait till

the governor general comes; he is a shrewd fellow, and will tell

you all about it."

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