

rotation on her axis.

Captain Servadac consoled himself with the prospect of reading

an explanation of the mystery in next week's newspapers, and turned

his attention to what was to him of more immediate importance.

"Come, let us be off," said he to his orderly; "though heaven

and earth be topsy-turvy, I must be at my post this morning."

"To do Count Timascheff the honor of running him through the body,"

added Ben Zoof.

If Servadac and his orderly had been less preoccupied, they would

have noticed that a variety of other physical changes besides

the apparentalteration in the movement of the sun had been evolved

during the atmospheric disturbances of that New Year's night.

As they descended the steep footpath leading from the cliff towards

the Shelif, they were conscious" target="_blank" title="a.无意识的;不觉察的">unconscious that their respiration became

forced and rapid, like that of a mountaineer when he has reached

an altitude where the air has become less charged with oxygen.

They were also conscious" target="_blank" title="a.无意识的;不觉察的">unconscious that their voices were thin and feeble;

either they must themselves have become rather deaf, or it was evident

that the air had become less capable of transmitting sound.

The weather, which on the previous evening had been very foggy,

had entirely changed. The sky had assumed a singular tint, and was

soon covered with lowering clouds that completely hid the sun.

There were, indeed, all the signs of a coming storm, but the vapor,

on account of the insufficientcondensation, failed to fall.

The sea appeared quite deserted, a most unusual circumstance along this coast,

and not a sail nor a trail of smoke broke the gray monotony of water and sky.

The limits of the horizon, too, had become much circumscribed.

On land, as well as on sea, the remote distance had completely disappeared,

and it seemed as though the globe had assumed a more decided convexity.

At the pace at which they were walking, it was very evident that the captain

and his attendant would not take long to accomplish the three miles that lay

between the gourbi and the place of rendezvous. They did not exchange a word,

but each was conscious of an unusual buoyancy, which appeared to lift up their

bodies and give as it were, wings to their feet. If Ben Zoof had expressed

his sensations in words, he would have said that he felt "up to anything,"

and he had even forgotten to taste so much as a crust of bread, a lapse

of memory of which the worthy soldier was rarely guilty.

As these thoughts were crossing his mind, a harsh bark was heard to

the left of the footpath, and a jackal was seen emerging from a large

grove of lentisks. Regarding the two wayfarers with manifest uneasiness,

the beast took up its position at the foot of a rock, more than thirty

feet in height. It belonged to an African speciesdistinguished

by a black spotted skin, and a black line down the front of the legs.

At night-time, when they scour the country in herds, the creatures are

somewhat formidable, but singly they are no more dangerous than a dog.

Though by no means afraid of them, Ben Zoof had a particular aversion

to jackals, perhaps because they had no place among the fauna of his

beloved Montmartre. He accordingly began to make threatening gestures,

when, to the unmitigated astonishment of himself and the captain,

the animal darted forward, and in one single bound gained the summit

of the rock.

"Good Heavens!" cried Ben Zoof, "that leap must have been thirty

feet at least."

"True enough," replied the captain; "I never saw such a jump."

Meantime the jackal had seated itself upon its haunches,

and was staring at the two men with an air of impudent defiance.

This was too much for Ben Zoof's forbearance, and stooping down

he caught up a huge stone, when to his surprise, he found that it was

no heavier than a piece of petrified sponge. "Confound the brute!"

he exclaimed, "I might as well throw a piece of bread at him.

What accounts for its being as light as this?"

Nothing daunted, however, he hurled the stone into the air.

It missed its aim; but the jackal, deeming it on the whole

prudent to decamp, disappeared across the trees and hedges

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