

the house of Taillefer and Company, formerly Purveyor of

Commissary-meats, in his lifetime chevalier of the Legion of

honor, and of the Golden Spur, captain of the first company of the

Grenadiers of the National Guard of Paris, deceased, May 1st, at

his residence, rue Joubert; which will take place at, etc., etc.

"On the part of, etc."

"Now, what am I do to?" I continued; "I will put the question before

you in a broad way. There is undoubtedly a sea of blood in

Mademoiselle Taillefer's estates; her inheritance from her father is a

vast Aceldama. I know that. BUT Prosper Magnan left no heirs; BUT,

again, I have been unable to discover the family of the merchant who

was murdered at Andernach. To whom therefore can I restore that

fortune? And ought it to be whollyrestored? Have I the right to

betray a secret surprised by me,--to add a murdered head to the dowry

of an innocent girl, to give her for the rest of her life bad dreams,

to deprive her of all her illusions, and say, 'Your gold is stained

with blood'? I have borrowed the 'Dictionary of Cases of Conscience'

from an old ecclesiastic, but I can find nothing there to solve my

doubts. Shall I found pious masses for the repose of the souls of

Prosper Magnan, Wahlenfer, and Taillefer? Here we are in the middle of

the nineteenth century! Shall I build a hospital, or institute a prize

for virtue? A prize for virtue would be given to scoundrels; and as

for hospitals, they seem to me to have become in these days the

protectors of vice. Besides, such charitable actions, more or less

profitable to vanity, do they constitutereparation?--and to whom do I

owe reparation? But I love; I love passionately. My love is my life.

If I, without apparentmotive, suggest to a young girl accustomed to

luxury, to elegance, to a life fruitful of all enjoyments of art, a

young girl who loves to idly listen at the opera to Rossini's music,--

if to her I should propose that she deprive herself of fifteen hundred

thousand francs in favor of broken-down old men, or scrofulous

paupers, she would turn her back on me and laugh, or her confidential

friend would tell her that I'm a crazy jester. If in an ecstasy of

love, I should paint to her the charms of a modest life, and a little

home on the banks of the Loire; if I were to ask her to sacrifice her

Parisian life on the altar of our love, it would be, in the first

place, a virtuous lie; in the next, I might only be opening the way to

some painful experience; I might lose the heart of a girl who loves

society, and balls, and personal adornment, and ME for the time being.

Some slim and jaunty officer, with a well-frizzed moustache, who can

play the piano, quote Lord Byron, and ride a horse elegantly, may get

her away from me. What shall I do? For Heaven's sake, give me some


The honest man, that species of puritan not unlike the father of

Jeannie Deans, of whom I have already told you, and who, up to the

present moment hadn't uttered a word, shrugged his shoulders, as he

looked at me and said:--

"Idiot! why did you ask him if he came from Beauvais?"


The following personages appear in other stories of the Human Comedy.

Taillefer, Jean-Frederic

The Firm of Nucingen

Father Goriot

The Magic Skin

Taillefer, Victorine

Father Goriot


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