

long has wrapped its darkness round you, and Spirit, which was in you

from the beginning, the light which lighted you and now brings noon-

day to your soul. Yes, your broken heart shall receive the light; the

light shall bathe it. Then you will no longer feel convictions, they

will have changed to certainties. The Poet utters; the Thinker

meditates; the Righteous acts; but he who stands upon the borders of

the Divine World prays; and his prayer is word, thought, action, in

one! Yes, prayer includes all, contains all; it completes nature, for

it reveals to you the mind within it and its progression. White and

shining virgin of all human virtues, ark of the covenant between earth

and heaven, tender and strong companion partaking of the lion and of

the lamb, Prayer! Prayer will give you the key of heaven! Bold and

pure as innocence, strong, like all that is single and simple, this

glorious, invincible Queen rests, nevertheless, on the material world;

she takes possession of it; like the sun, she clasps it in a circle of

light. The universe belongs to him who wills, who knows, who prays;

but he must will, he must know, he must pray; in a word, he must

possess force, wisdom, and faith.

"Therefore Prayer, issuing from so many trials, is the consummation of

all truths, all powers, all feelings. Fruit of the laborious,

progressive, continued development of natural properties and faculties

vitalized anew by the divinebreath of the Word, Prayer has occult

activity; it is the final worship--not the material worship of images,

nor the spiritualworship of formulas, but the worship of the Divine

World. We say no prayers,--prayer forms within us; it is a faculty

which acts of itself; it has attained a way of action which lifts it

outside of forms; it links the soul to God, with whom we unite as the

root of the tree unites with the soil; our veins draw life from the

principle of life, and we live by the life of the universe. Prayer

bestows externalconviction by making us penetrate the Material World

through the cohesion of all our faculties with the elementary

substances; it bestows internalconviction by developing our essence

and mingling it with that of the Spiritual Worlds. To be able to pray

thus, you must attain to an utter abandonment of flesh; you must

acquire through the fires of the furnace the purity of the diamond;

for this complete communion with the Divine is obtained only in

absolute repose, where storms and conflicts are at rest.

"Yes, Prayer--the aspiration of the soul freed absolutely from the

body--bears all forces within it, and applies them to the constant and

perseverant union of the Visible and the Invisible. When you possess

the faculty of praying without weariness, with love, with force, with

certainty, with intelligence, your spiritualized nature will presently

be invested with power. Like a rushing wind, like a thunderbolt, it

cuts its way through all things and shares the power of God. The

quickness of the Spirit becomes yours; in an instant you may pass from

region to region; like the Word itself, you are transported from the

ends of the world to other worlds. Harmony exists, and you are part of

it! Light is there and your eyes possess it! Melody is heard and you

echo it! Under such conditions, you feel your perceptions developing,

widening; the eyes of your mind reach to vast distances. There is, in

truth, neither time nor place to the Spirit; space and duration are

proportions created for Matter; spirit and matter have naught in


"Though these things take place in stillness, in silence, without

agitation, without externalmovement, yet Prayer is all action; but it

is spiritual action, stripped of substantiality, and reduced, like the

motion of the worlds, to an invisible pure force. It penetrates

everywhere like light; it gives vitality to souls that come beneath

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