and gazed at circling stars in the sky and mused upon the coin
crystal in his hand. Whenever there was a certain
leisure for
thought throughout these times, then men were to be found
dissatisfied with the appearances of things,
dissatisfied with
the assurances of
uneasy with a sense of unread
symbols in the world about them, questioning the finality of
wisdom. Through all the ages of history there were
men to whom this
whisper had come of
hidden things about them.
They could no longer lead ordinary lives nor content themselves
with the common things of this world once they had heard this
voice. And
mostly they believed not only that all this world was
as it were a painted curtain before things unguessed at, but that
these secrets were Power. Hitherto Power had come to men by
chance, but now there were these seekers seeking, seeking among
rare and curious and perplexing objects, sometimes
finding some
odd utilisable thing, sometimes deceiving themselves with fancied
discovery, sometimes pretending to find. The world of every day
laughed at these
eccentric beings, or found them
annoying and
ill-treated them, or was seized with fear and made saints and
sorcerers and warlocks of them, or with covetousness and
entertained them
hopefully; but for the greater part heeded them
not at all. Yet they were of the blood of him who had first
dreamt of attacking the
mammoth; every one of them was of his
blood and
descent; and the thing they sought, all unwittingly,
was the snare that will some day catch the sun.
Section 3
Such a man was that Leonardo da Vinci, who went about the court
of Sforza in Milan in a state of
dignified abstraction. His
common-place books are full of
propheticsubtlety and ingenious
anticipations of the methods of the early aviators. Durer was his
parallel and Roger Bacon--whom the Franciscans silenced--of his
kindred. Such a man again in an earlier city was Hero of
Alexandria, who knew of the power of steam nineteen hundred years
before it was first brought into use. And earlier still was
Archimedes of Syracuse, and still earlier the legendary Daedalus
of Cnossos. All up and down the record of history
whenever there
was a little
leisure from war and brutality the seekers appeared.
And half the alchemists were of their tribe.
When Roger Bacon blew up his first batch of
gunpowder one might
supposed that men would have gone at once to the
explosiveengine. But they could see nothing of the sort. They were not
beginning to think of
seeing things; their metallurgy was all
too poor to make such engines even had they thought of them. For
a time they could not make instruments sound enough to stand this
new force even for so rough a purpose as hurling a missile. Their
first guns had barrels of coopered
timber, and the world waited
for more than five hundred years before the
explosive engine
Even when the seekers found, it was at first a long journey
before the world could use their
findings for any but the
roughest, most
obvious purposes. If man in general was not still
absolutely blind to the unconquered energies about him as his
paleolithic precursor, he was at best purblind.
Section 4
latentenergy of coal and the power of steam waited long on
the verge of discovery, before they began to influence human
There were no doubt many such devices as Hero's toys devised and
forgotten, time after time, in courts and palaces, but it needed
that coal should be mined and burning with plenty of iron at hand
before it dawned upon men that here was something more than a
curiosity. And it is to be remarked that the first recorded
suggestion for the use of steam was in war; there is an
pamphlet in which it is proposed to fire shot out of
corked iron bottles full of heated water. The
mining of coal for
- convey [kən´vei] vt.运送;传达;转让 (初中英语单词)
- procession [prə´seʃən] n.队伍 v.列队行进 (初中英语单词)
- beginning [bi´giniŋ] n.开始,开端;起源 (初中英语单词)
- achievement [ə´tʃi:vmənt] n.完成;成就,成绩 (初中英语单词)
- attentive [ə´tentiv] a.注意的;殷勤的 (初中英语单词)
- hidden [´hid(ə)n] hide 的过去分词 (初中英语单词)
- suspect [´sʌspekt, sə´spekt] v.怀疑;觉得 n.嫌疑犯 (初中英语单词)
- generous [´dʒenərəs] a.慷慨的;丰盛的 (初中英语单词)
- abundant [ə´bʌndənt] a.丰富的;充分的 (初中英语单词)
- priest [pri:st] n.教士;牧师;神父 (初中英语单词)
- opening [´əupəniŋ] n.开放;开端 a.开始的 (初中英语单词)
- harvest [´hɑ:vist] n.&v.收获;收割 (初中英语单词)
- writing [´raitiŋ] n.书写;写作;书法 (初中英语单词)
- copper [´kɔpə] n.铜 a.铜制的 (初中英语单词)
- conquest [´kɔŋkwest] n.赢得;获得;占领地 (初中英语单词)
- elaborate [i´læbərət, -reit] a.精心设计的 (初中英语单词)
- highway [´haiwei] n.公路,大道 (初中英语单词)
- victory [´viktəri] n.胜利,战胜 (初中英语单词)
- monarch [´mɔnək] n.君主;(大)王 (初中英语单词)
- politics [´pɔlitiks] n.政治(学);政治活动 (初中英语单词)
- agriculture [´ægrikʌltʃə] n.农业;农事 (初中英语单词)
- domestic [də´mestik] a.家庭的;本国的 (初中英语单词)
- columbus [kə´lʌmbəs] n.哥伦布 (初中英语单词)
- peasant [´pezənt] n.农民;庄稼人 (初中英语单词)
- slavery [´sleivəri] n.奴隶制;奴役 (初中英语单词)
- waiting [´weitiŋ] n.等候;伺候 (初中英语单词)
- savage [´sævidʒ] a.野蛮的 n.蛮人 (初中英语单词)
- crystal [´kristəl] n.水晶 a.水晶的 (初中英语单词)
- whenever [wen´evə] conj.&ad.无论何时 (初中英语单词)
- belief [bi´li:f] n.相信;信仰,信条 (初中英语单词)
- wisdom [´wizdəm] n.智慧,聪明,才智 (初中英语单词)
- whisper [´wispə] v.耳语 n.低语;沙沙声 (初中英语单词)
- mostly [´məustli] ad.主要地;多半;通常 (初中英语单词)
- supposed [sə´pəuzd] a.想象的;假定的 (初中英语单词)
- timber [´timbə] n.木材;木料;横梁 (初中英语单词)
- obvious [´ɔbviəs] a.明显的;显而易见的 (初中英语单词)
- absolutely [´æbsəlu:tli] ad.绝对地;确实 (初中英语单词)
- energy [´enədʒi] n.活力,精力;能力 (初中英语单词)
- speculation [,spekju´leiʃən] n.思索,推测;投机 (高中英语单词)
- resemblance [ri´zembləns] n.类似;肖像;外表 (高中英语单词)
- pictorial [pik´tɔ:riəl] a.绘画的 n.画报 (高中英语单词)
- community [kə´mju:niti] n.团体;社区;公众 (高中英语单词)
- leadership [´li:dəʃip] n.领导(能力) (高中英语单词)
- temperate [´tempərit] a.有节制的;温和的 (高中英语单词)
- external [ik´stə:nəl] a.外部的;外面的 (高中英语单词)
- intensity [in´tensiti] a.激烈;强度;深度 (高中英语单词)
- inheritance [in´heritəns] n.继承(物);遗传;遗产 (高中英语单词)
- incorporate [in´kɔ:pəreit] v.结合 a.合并的 (高中英语单词)
- comprehend [,kɔmpri´hend] vt.了解;领会;包含 (高中英语单词)
- dominion [də´miniən] n.主权;统治权;领地 (高中英语单词)
- mediterranean [,meditə´reiniən] n.地中海 a.地中海的 (高中英语单词)
- barrier [´bæriə] n.栅栏;屏障;障碍 (高中英语单词)
- pirate [´paiərət] n.海盗 v.做海盗;掠夺 (高中英语单词)
- caesar [´si:zə] n.凯撒;暴君;独裁者 (高中英语单词)
- aeroplane [´eərəplein] n.飞机 (高中英语单词)
- mutual [´mju:tʃuəl] a.相互的;共同的 (高中英语单词)
- christianity [,kristi´æniti] n.基督教;基督精神 (高中英语单词)
- progressive [prə´gresiv] a.进步的;前进的 (高中英语单词)
- revolutionary [,revə´lu:ʃənəri] a.革命的 n.革命者 (高中英语单词)
- leisure [´leʒə] n.空闲;悠闲;安定 (高中英语单词)
- uneasy [ʌn´i:zi] a.不安的;不自在的 (高中英语单词)
- hitherto [,hiðə´tu:] ad.至今,迄今 (高中英语单词)
- finding [´faindiŋ] n.发现物;判断;结果 (高中英语单词)
- descent [di´sent] n.出身,家世 (高中英语单词)
- dignified [´dignifaid] a.尊贵的 (高中英语单词)
- seeing [si:iŋ] see的现在分词 n.视觉 (高中英语单词)
- mining [´mainiŋ] n.采矿;矿业 (高中英语单词)
- setting [´setiŋ] n.安装;排字;布景 (英语四级单词)
- fellowship [´feləuʃip] n.团体;伙伴关系;友谊 (英语四级单词)
- magnitude [´mægnitju:d] n.宏大;重要性;大小 (英语四级单词)
- blindly [blaindli] ad.盲目地;没头脑地 (英语四级单词)
- supplement [´sʌplimənt, ´sʌpliment] n.增补;增刊;附录 (英语四级单词)
- dynasty [´dinəsti] n.王朝;朝代 (英语四级单词)
- tactics [´tæktiks] n.策略;战术 (英语四级单词)
- amidst [ə´midst] prep.=amid (英语四级单词)
- authoritative [ɔ:´θɔrətətiv] a.可信的;命令的 (英语四级单词)
- explosive [ik´spləusiv] a.易爆炸的 n.炸药 (英语四级单词)
- pamphlet [´pæmflit] n.小册子 (英语四级单词)
- mammoth [´mæməθ] a.庞大的 (英语六级单词)
- rudely [´ru:dli] ad.粗鲁地;粗略地 (英语六级单词)
- untouched [ʌn´tʌtʃt] a.原样的;未触动过的 (英语六级单词)
- tolerant [´tɔlərənt] a.宽容的,宽大的 (英语六级单词)
- ritual [´ritʃuəl] n.典礼;礼节 a.典礼的 (英语六级单词)
- pottery [´pɔtəri] n.陶器;陶器制造厂 (英语六级单词)
- taking [´teikiŋ] a.迷人的 n.捕获物 (英语六级单词)
- far-reaching [fɑ:´ri:tʃiŋ] a.影响远大的;深远的 (英语六级单词)
- kaiser [´kaizə] n.皇帝;独裁者 (英语六级单词)
- duration [djuə´reiʃən] n.持久;持续期间 (英语六级单词)
- systematic [,sisti´mætik] a.有系统的,成体系的 (英语六级单词)
- territorial [,teri´tɔ:riəl] a.领地的;区域的 (英语六级单词)
- dreamer [´dri:mə] n.做梦的人;梦想者 (英语六级单词)
- dissatisfied [´dis,sætis´fækʃən] a.不满的;显出不满的 (英语六级单词)
- orthodox [´ɔ:θədɔks] a.正统的;正统的;习惯的 (英语六级单词)
- eccentric [ik´sentrik] a.古怪的;离心的 (英语六级单词)
- annoying [ə´nɔiiŋ] a.使人气恼的;讨厌的 (英语六级单词)
- hopefully [´həupfəli] ad.抱着希望地 (英语六级单词)
- prophetic [prə´fetik] a.预言(家)的;预示的 (英语六级单词)
- subtlety [´sʌtlti] n.敏锐;巧妙;微妙 (英语六级单词)
- gunpowder [´gʌn,paudə] n.火药 (英语六级单词)
- latent [´leitənt] a.潜在的,潜伏的 (英语六级单词)