small; the public which would feel no lack if all book-printing
ceased to-morrow, is
enormous. These announcements of
learned works
which strike one as so encouraging, are addressed, as a matter of
fact, to a few thousand persons, scattered all over the English-
speaking world. Many of the most
valuable books slowly
achieve the
sale of a few hundred copies. Gather from all the ends of the
British Empire the men and women who purchase grave
literature as a
matter of course, who
habitually seek it in public libraries, in
short who regard it as a necessity of life, and I am much mistaken
if they could not
comfortablyassemble in the Albert Hall.
But even granting this, is it not an
obvious fact that our age tends
to the
civilized habit of mind, as displayed in a love for
intellectual things? Was there ever a time which saw the
literatureof knowledge and of the emotions so widely distributed? Does not
minority of the truly
intelligent exercise a vast and
profoundinfluence? Does it not in truth lead the way, however slowly and
irregularly the
multitude may follow?
I should like to believe it. When
gloomy evidence is
thrust upon
me, I often say to myself: Think of the
frequency of the
reasonableman; think of him everywhere labouring to spread the light; how is
it possible that such efforts should be overborne by forces of blind
brutality, now that the human race has got so far?--Yes, yes; but
mortal whom I
caress as
reasonable, as enlightened and
enlightening, this author,
lecturer, or studious
gentleman, to whose coat-tails I cling, does he always represent
justice and peace,
sweetness of manners,
purity of life--all the
things which makes for true
civilization? Here is a fallacy of
bookish thought. Experience offers proof on every hand that
mental life may be but one side of a
personality, of which
the other is moral barbarism. A man may be a fine archaeologist,
and yet have no
sympathy with human ideals. The
historian, the
biographer, even the poet, may be a money-market
gambler, a social
toady, a
clamorous Chauvinist, or an unscrupulous wire-puller. As
for "leaders of science," what optimist will dare to
proclaim them
on the side of the gentle virtues? And if one must needs think in
this way of those who stand forth, professed instructors and
inspirers, what of those who merely listen? The
reading-public! Hardly will a
prudent statistician
venture to
declare that one in every score of those who
actually read sterling
books do so with
comprehension of their author. These
dainty series
of noble and
delightful works, which have so
seemingly wide an
acceptance, think you they vouch for true
appreciation in all who
buy them? Remember those who purchase to follow the fashion, to
impose upon their neighbour, or even to
flatter themselves; think of
those who wish to make cheap presents, and those who are merely
pleased by the outer
aspect of the
volume. Above all, bear in mind
that busy
throng whose zeal is
according neither to knowledge nor to
conviction, the host of the half-educated,
characteristic and peril
of our time. They, indeed, purchase and purchase largely. Heaven
forbid that I should not recognize the few among them whose bent of
brain and of
conscience justifies their fervour; to such--the ten in
ten thousand--be all aid and
brotherlysolace! But the glib many,
the perky mispronouncers of titles and of authors' names, the
twanging murderers of
rhythm, the maulers of the uncut edge at
- suspect [´sʌspekt, sə´spekt] v.怀疑;觉得 n.嫌疑犯 (初中英语单词)
- energy [´enədʒi] n.活力,精力;能力 (初中英语单词)
- discussion [di´skʌʃən] n.讨论;辩论 (初中英语单词)
- conscious [´kɔnʃəs] a.意识的;自觉的 (初中英语单词)
- unlike [,ʌn´laik] a.不同的 prep.不象… (初中英语单词)
- criticism [´kritisizəm] n.批评;评论(文) (初中英语单词)
- conscience [´kɔnʃəns] n.良心;道德心 (初中英语单词)
- criminal [´kriminəl] a.犯罪的 n.罪犯 (初中英语单词)
- earnest [´ə:nist] a.认真的 n.认真;诚恳 (初中英语单词)
- presently [´prezəntli] ad.不久;目前 (初中英语单词)
- supreme [su:´pri:m, sju:-] a.最高的,无上的 (初中英语单词)
- possibility [,pɔsə´biliti] n.可能(性);希望;前途 (初中英语单词)
- ignorance [´ignərəns] n.无知,愚昧 (初中英语单词)
- formerly [´fɔ:məli] ad.从前,以前 (初中英语单词)
- reading [´ri:diŋ] n.(阅)读;朗读;读物 (初中英语单词)
- striking [´straikiŋ] a.显著的,明显的 (初中英语单词)
- literary [´litərəri] a.文学(上)的 (初中英语单词)
- selfish [´selfiʃ] a.自私的,利己的 (初中英语单词)
- cottage [´kɔtidʒ] n.村舍;小屋;小别墅 (初中英语单词)
- waiting [´weitiŋ] n.等候;伺候 (初中英语单词)
- harmony [´hɑ:məni] n.调合,协调,和谐 (初中英语单词)
- vision [´viʒən] n.视觉;想象力;幻影 (初中英语单词)
- accord [ə´kɔ:d] n.&vi.符合 vt.给与 (初中英语单词)
- throat [θrəut] n.咽喉;嗓子;出入口 (初中英语单词)
- chorus [´kɔ:rəs] n.合唱;齐声 v.合唱 (初中英语单词)
- glorious [´glɔ:riəs] a.光荣的;辉煌的 (初中英语单词)
- persuade [pə´sweid] v.(被)说服;使相信 (初中英语单词)
- literature [´litərətʃə] n.文学;文献;著作 (初中英语单词)
- import [im´pɔ:t, ´impɔ:t] vt.&n.进口;输入 (初中英语单词)
- multitude [´mʌltitju:d] n.大群(批);众多 (初中英语单词)
- succession [sək´seʃən] n.继任;继承(权) (初中英语单词)
- wealthy [´welθi] a.富有的;丰富的 (初中英语单词)
- magnificent [mæg´nifisənt] a.壮丽的;豪华的 (初中英语单词)
- learning [´lə:niŋ] n.学习;学问;知识 (初中英语单词)
- observer [əb´zə:və] n.遵守者;观察员 (初中英语单词)
- standing [´stændiŋ] n.持续 a.直立的 (初中英语单词)
- appetite [´æpitait] n.欲望;食欲 (初中英语单词)
- commerce [´kɔmə:s] n.商业;社交;交流 (初中英语单词)
- flourish [´flʌriʃ] v.茂盛;挥动 n.挥舞 (初中英语单词)
- ambition [æm´biʃən] n.雄心,野心;企图 (初中英语单词)
- considerable [kən´sidərəbəl] a.重要的;值得重视 (初中英语单词)
- extent [ik´stent] n.长度;程度;范围 (初中英语单词)
- mental [´mentl] a.精神的;心理的 (初中英语单词)
- proportion [prə´pɔ:ʃən] n.比率 vt.使成比例 (初中英语单词)
- impression [im´preʃən] n.印刷;印象;效果 (初中英语单词)
- endeavour [in´devə] n.&v.努力,试图,尽力 (初中英语单词)
- enormous [i´nɔ:məs] a.巨大地,很,极 (初中英语单词)
- valuable [´væljuəbəl, -jubəl] a.有价值的,贵重的 (初中英语单词)
- achieve [ə´tʃi:v] vt.完成;达到;获得 (初中英语单词)
- assemble [ə´sembəl] v.聚集;装配;调整 (初中英语单词)
- obvious [´ɔbviəs] a.明显的;显而易见的 (初中英语单词)
- intelligent [in´telidʒənt] a.聪明的;理智的 (初中英语单词)
- thrust [θrʌst] v.&n.猛推;冲;刺;挤进 (初中英语单词)
- reasonable [´rizənəbəl] a.合理的;有理智的 (初中英语单词)
- purity [´pjuəriti] n.纯净;贞洁 (初中英语单词)
- civilization [,sivilai´zeiʃən] n.文明,文化 (初中英语单词)
- personality [,pə:sə´næliti] n.人;个性;人品;人物 (初中英语单词)
- sympathy [´simpəθi] n.同情,怜悯 (初中英语单词)
- proclaim [prə´kleim] vt.宣布;公布;声明 (初中英语单词)
- venture [´ventʃə] n.投机 v.冒险;敢于 (初中英语单词)
- actually [´æktʃuəli] ad.事实上;实际上 (初中英语单词)
- delightful [di´laitful] a.讨人喜欢的 (初中英语单词)
- flatter [´flætə] vt.阿谀,奉承;胜过 (初中英语单词)
- aspect [´æspekt] n.面貌;神色;方向 (初中英语单词)
- volume [´vɔlju:m, ´vɑljəm] n.卷;书籍;体积;容量 (初中英语单词)
- artistic [ɑ:´tistik] a.艺术的;有美感的 (高中英语单词)
- saying [´seiŋ, ´sei-iŋ] n.言语;言论;格言 (高中英语单词)
- so-called [´sou ´kɔ:ld] a.所谓的,号称的 (高中英语单词)
- donkey [´dɔŋki] n.驴子;蠢人;顽固的人 (高中英语单词)
- theirs [ðeəz] pron.他们的 (高中英语单词)
- quotation [kwəu´teiʃən] n.引用;引文;语录 (高中英语单词)
- strive [straiv] vi.争取;努力;奋斗 (高中英语单词)
- combat [´kɔmbæt] v.&n.斗争;战斗;争斗 (高中英语单词)
- invariably [in´veəriəbli] ad.不变地;永恒地 (高中英语单词)
- appreciation [ə,pri:ʃi´eiʃən] n.评价;感激 (高中英语单词)
- strain [strein] vt.拉紧 vi.拖 n.张力 (高中英语单词)
- rapture [´ræptʃə] n.着迷;全神贯注 (高中英语单词)
- tenderness [´tendənis] n.娇嫩;柔软;温柔 (高中英语单词)
- profound [prə´faund] a.深奥的;渊博的 (高中英语单词)
- thereafter [ðeə´rɑ:ftə] adv.此后,其后 (高中英语单词)
- crowded [´kraudid] a.充(拥)满了的 (高中英语单词)
- advertisement [əd´və:tismənt] n.(做)广告;宣传 (高中英语单词)
- innumerable [i´nju:mərəbəl] a.无数的,数不清的 (高中英语单词)
- thoughtful [´θɔ:tfəl] a.深思的;体贴的 (高中英语单词)
- minimum [´miniməm] n.最小量 a.最小的 (高中英语单词)
- philosopher [fi´lɔsəfə] n.哲学家;思想家;哲人 (高中英语单词)
- leisure [´leʒə] n.空闲;悠闲;安定 (高中英语单词)
- intellectual [,inti´lektʃuəl] n.知识分子 (高中英语单词)
- commonly [´kɔmənli] ad.一般地;通常 (高中英语单词)
- contemporary [kən´tempərəri] a.&n.同时代的(人) (高中英语单词)
- eagerness [´i:gənis] n.渴望;热忱 (高中英语单词)
- regarding [ri´gɑ:diŋ] prep.关于 (高中英语单词)
- relatively [´relətivli] ad.比较地;相对地 (高中英语单词)
- civilized [´sivilaizd] a.先进的;文明的 (高中英语单词)
- learned [´lə:nid] a.有学问的,博学的 (高中英语单词)
- comfortably [´kʌmfətəbli] ad.舒适地 (高中英语单词)
- minority [mai´nɔriti] n.少数(民族);未成年 (高中英语单词)
- gloomy [´glu:mi] a.昏暗的;忧郁的 (高中英语单词)
- mortal [´mɔ:tl] a.致命的 n.凡人 (高中英语单词)
- caress [kə´res] n.&vt.爱抚;接吻 (高中英语单词)
- sweetness [´swi:tnis] n.甜蜜;芳香;亲切 (高中英语单词)
- historian [his´tɔ:riən] n.历史学家 (高中英语单词)
- prudent [´pru:dənt] a.谨慎的;精明的 (高中英语单词)
- comprehension [,kɔmpri´henʃən] n.理解;领悟 (高中英语单词)
- dainty [´deinti] a.秀丽的 n.美味 (高中英语单词)
- throng [θrɔŋ] n.群众 v.拥挤;群集 (高中英语单词)
- characteristic [,kæriktə´ristik] a.特有的 n.特性 (高中英语单词)
- carelessness [kɛəlisnis] n.粗心;漫不经心 (英语四级单词)
- definition [,defi´niʃən] n.限定;定义;明确 (英语四级单词)
- seeming [´si:miŋ] a.表面上的 n.外观 (英语四级单词)
- delighted [di´laitid] a.高兴的;喜欢的 (英语四级单词)
- futile [´fju:tail] a.无用的,无益的 (英语四级单词)
- hopeful [´həupfəl] a.有希望的,激励人的 (英语四级单词)
- gracefully [´greisfuli] ad.优美地,斯文地 (英语四级单词)
- savour [´seivə] n.味道;风味 v.尝到 (英语四级单词)
- domain [də´mein,dəu-] n.领土;版图;范围 (英语四级单词)
- devoted [di´vəutid] a.献身…的,忠实的 (英语四级单词)
- outlook [´autluk] n.眺望;景色;展望 (英语四级单词)
- considering [kən´sidəriŋ] prep.就…而论 (英语四级单词)
- investigator [in´vestigeitə] n.调查;审查者 (英语四级单词)
- seemingly [´si:miŋli] ad.表面上;似乎 (英语四级单词)
- rhythm [´riðəm] n.(诗的)韵律;格律 (英语四级单词)
- veritable [´veritəbəl] a.真正的;确实的 (英语六级单词)
- victorian [vik´tɔ:riən] a.维多利亚女王时代的 (英语六级单词)
- taking [´teikiŋ] a.迷人的 n.捕获物 (英语六级单词)
- forgetfulness [fə´getminɔt] n.健忘 (英语六级单词)
- solace [´sɔləs] n.&vt.安慰(物);缓和 (英语六级单词)
- ceaseless [´si:slis] a.不绝的,不停的 (英语六级单词)
- unison [´ju:nisən] n.协调,一致;齐唱 (英语六级单词)
- whereon [weər´ɔn] ad.在什么上面;因此 (英语六级单词)
- habitually [hə´bitjuəli] adv.习惯地 (英语六级单词)
- frequency [´fri:kwənsi] n.频繁;周率 (英语六级单词)
- lecturer [´lektʃərə] n.演讲者;讲师 (英语六级单词)
- gambler [´gæmblə] n.赌徒 (英语六级单词)
- clamorous [´klæmərəs] a.喧闹的;吵吵嚷嚷的 (英语六级单词)
- brotherly [´brʌðəli] a.兄弟般的 (英语六级单词)