
When it comes to putting a dollar value on Chinese works of art, a few things matter: a tie to the Imperial family, a solid provenance, condition, quality of the workmanship and rarity.


Few works meet all criteria. That's why these two crane statues, both featuring two of the long-legged wading birds, carry so high a price, according to Pola Antebi, Christie's head of Chinese works of art.

同时满足上述条件的艺术品可谓少之又少。按照佳士得拍卖行(Christie's)中国艺术品部主管安特比(Pola Antebi)的说法,正是由于这个原因,这对双鹤雕件──每件雕塑都由两只长腿仙鹤组成──才拍出了这么高的价钱。

'There's a checklist of things that collectors look for,' says Ms. Antebi, 'and the Morrison Fonthill cranes tick them all.'

安特比女士说,"各位藏家心里有一个心仪拍品的清单,这对莫里森'放山居'(Morrison Fonthill)旧藏的双鹤雕塑则让其他所有的拍品黯然失色。"

The pair of five-foot-tall cloisonn