Sauvignon Blanc wines are easy to love. There's little need to worry about aging (drink it young), food pairings mistakes (it can pair with a whole range of foods), or even cork taint (many New World Sauvignon Blanc bottles come with screw caps). But seasoned oenophiles shouldn't
dismiss the Sauvignon Blanc either - a good bottle has
lastingappeal for
everyone, from beginners to experts.
葡萄酒(Sauvignon Blanc)。不用为陈化问题伤脑筋(这种酒适合饮用新酒),也不用担心食物搭配错误(这种酒可以与很多食物搭配),甚至不用担心木塞污染(许多新世界长相思葡萄瓶带有螺旋盖)。老练的品酒行家应该也不会排斥长相思,这种酒对从初尝者到专家都具有持久的吸引力。
The multiple names. There are multiple names for Sauvignon Blanc wines, which are sometimes tied to the geographic area in which its grapes are grown. White Bordeaux is Sauvignon Blanc wine from the Bordeaux region of France; Sancerre is Sauvignon Blanc wine from the Sancerre region of France's Loire Valley. In America, however, Sauvignon Blancs are often called Fumé Blanc, which doesn't refer to a geographic region at all. It's just a cute name that some labels use: Fumé is French for 'smoked' - a
reference to the morning mists of Northern California.
多种多样的名字。长相思有许多不同名字,有时与葡萄生长的地理区域相关。法国波尔多地区生产的长相思被称作白波尔多(White Bordeaux);法国卢瓦尔河谷桑塞尔地区的长相思被称作桑塞尔(Sancerre);但在美国,长相思常被称作Fume Blanc,这根本不是指地理区域,它只是一些品牌使用的可爱名字:Fume在法语里是"烟雾"的意思,意指北加州的晨雾。
The taste. The
signatureflavor of Sauvignon Blanc is said to be herbaceous and
grassy. The key word is 'green': lime, green apple and even gooseberries.
The pairing. With its crisp
flavors and slight minerality, the wine pairs well with many ethnic cuisines that are sometimes difficult to find a match for - think sushi or spicy Thai curries.