
Are you an active blogger or user of social media sites like Twitter and Facebook?


在印度,一些公司越来越担心他们的员工在这类网站上的隐私问题或其他不当行为。Wipro Technologies公司今年早些时候制定了公司内部社会媒体政策,该公司首席营销长克里(Rajan Kohli)说,员工不多加注意将会导致"不可接受行为"的发生。

In India, some companies are growingly increasinglyconcerned about privacy and other breaches by employees on sites like these. Lack of awareness by employees can lead to 'unacceptable behavior,' says Rajan Kohli, chief marketing officer of Wipro Technologies, which issued an internal social media policyearlier this year.


1. 表明自己的身份

Don't fret if your employer doesn't have a similar policy in place yet. Here are some 'Dos' and 'Don'ts' that will keep you from getting into trouble with your company.

公关公司MSL Group亚洲分公司数字与社会媒体主管米什拉(Mishra)说,很多公司要求员工在社交网站上公布与雇主关系的信息,尤其是如果他们打算讨论与工作或所在行业有关的话题。


1. Identify Yourself

2. 遵守"面对面"原则


Many companies ask employees to disclose their relationship to their employer on social networking sites, especially if they are planning to discuss anything related to work or their industry, says Gaurav Mishra, digital and social media leader for public relations firm MSL Group in Asia.


3. 不要分享敏感信息

Even if you don't mention your company name in your online profiles, nowadays it's easy enough to match executives to their firms through professional web sites like LinkedIn.com.


微软印度分公司(Microsoft Corp. India Pvt. Ltd.)公关部主管汉达(Meenu Handa)在一封电邮中说,现实世界分享信息的"规则"在网上同样适用。

2. Follow the Face-to-Face Rule

4. 避免争议话题

政治和宗教是两个会引起激烈争论的话题。一般情况下,雇主可能都希望你避免这些话题,或在网上谈论时至少要注意策略。惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard's Co.)下属外包公司MphasiS首席人力资源长Elango R.说,要小心一切激进(或)宗教言论。

Don't write anything online that you wouldn't say to somebody to their face. No complaining about your boss or company, or gossiping about colleagues. A colleague whom you might have 'friended' on Facebook could read that and pass it along to other colleagues or to your boss, landing you in a soup.

5. 别指望免责声明

有时人们会在个人资料中写上免责声明,说他们发表的观点仅代表个人意见,或所贴的链接并不表示他们支持这些链接。Yum Restaurants India Pvt. Ltd下属必胜客(Pizza Hut)营销总监贾恩(Anup Jain)说,人们不会理会这个的。

'Facebook is more publicthan most people think it is,' says Mr. Mishra.


6. 不要把所有人都加为好友

3. Don't Share Sensitive Information



Sharing confidential information about your clients, or about an upcoming product launch or about the internal workings of your company is a strict no-no.



'The same 'rules' that apply to sharing information in the physical world apply online,' said Meenu Handa, director, corporate communications, Microsoft Corp. India Pvt. Ltd., in an e-mail message.

7. 修改隐私设置


4. Avoid Controversial Topics



Politics and religion are two subjects that can cause passions to run high. In general, your employer would probably prefer it if you avoided these topics or were at least diplomatic when expounding on them online. 'Be careful about any racial (or) religious comment,' says Elango R., chief human resources officer at outsourcing firm MphasiS, a unit of Hewlett-Packard's Co.


8. 在粉丝页或小组中活动时要保持警惕

5. Don't Count on Disclaimers


9. 担任公司的"新闻发言人"

Sometimes people write disclaimers on their profile that say the views they are expressing are personal or that by posting links they don't intend to endorse those links. 'People disregard that,' says Anup Jain, marketing director, Pizza Hut, part of Yum Restaurants India Pvt. Ltd.


但一定要得到公司高管的同意。MSL Group的米什拉说,有些公司,例如因特尔公司(Intel Corp.),就要求员工要事先接受培训项目后才能担任这样的角色。

This is especially true if you hold an important post in the company. 'People don't draw a fine line between what you say and what position you occupy,' says Mr. Jain. 'If you have a controversial point of viewâ ¦they will find out about you in a few seconds.'

10. 记住,在网上发表的东西永不会消失


6. Don't 'Friend' Everyone



'You've got to be careful about whom you accept in your friend circle,' says Mr. Elango.


Shefali Anand

For instance, a 'friend' or colleague who doesn't respect your privacy may share your personal photos and information with the rest of your colleagues, or worse â ' your boss.



Avoid 'friending' people you don't trust, or someone who has shaky credentials. Remember that other people often form an impression of you based on whom your friends are.

'Sometimes you've got to be able to say no,' says Mr. Elango.

7. Use the Privacy Settings

If you haven't already done so, change your privacysettings on the social media web sites you use. On Facebook, for instance, you can select who is able to see your personal information, your 'Wall' posts, and your photos.

'You may not want everybody to see how you party,' says Pizza Hut's Mr. Jain.

Even on Twitter, you can use a setting that allows you to choose your followers. In that case, your tweets can be read only by your chosen followers.

8. Be Discreet on Fan Pages, Groups

If you have signed up as a 'fan' of your company or are active on any online groups, 'you've got to be extra careful' about what you write there, says Mr. Jain. He suggests using these fan pages and groups to glean information about your company, and to absorb public feedback. You shouldn't use them as a forum where you deridecompetition, says Mr. Jain.

9. Be a Talking Head

Senior company officials or those who speak to the press on behalf of the company even once in a while should consider looking at their social web pages a professional tool rather than just a personal account. That's a good way to build your company's brand, and your brand within the company.

But be sure to check with your company's top officials that they approve. Some companies, like Intel Corp., ask employees to go through training programs before taking on a role like that, according to Mr. Mishra of MSL Group.

10. Remember It's Forever

Diamonds may or may not be forever, but what you write on the Internet is (or can feel that way). Something that you write online could come back to bite you many years later.

For instance, maybe you blogged about how much you hate your former company, but some years later, that same company might interview you for a managerial post. Somebody could easily find your old blog and that could damage your chances.

'You've got to remember that there's no expiry date,' says Mr. Elango.

If you have any social networking tips you'd like to share, please post them in the Comments section.

Shefali Anand