
Do you keep secrets at the office?


Out of embarrassment, guilt or fear of being judged by co-workers, many people take pains to hide personal diversions or family issues at work.


A growing number of people, for example, are hiding three-martini lunches from co-workers, according to a Bloomberg BusinessWeek feature. Whether they are 'Mad Men' wannabes or just stressed-out layoff survivors trying to relax, more midday diners are downing drinks these days at some New York and Los Angeles restaurants, the article says. A companion story offers advice on hiding the after-effects when returning to work: Scrub down your face and hands, avoid red wine that stains your teeth, down an entrée heavy in garlic or - no kidding - smoke a cigarette to mask the odor of alcohol.

举例来说,据《彭博商业周刊》(Bloomberg BusinessWeek)一篇专题报道,越来越多的人不会告诉同事自己享受了丰盛的商务午餐。文章说,无论是因为崇拜美剧《广告狂人》(Mad Men),还是压力过大、需要放松一下的公司裁员幸存者,近日纽约和洛杉矶一些餐馆里有更多的午餐用餐者开始饮酒。另外一篇相关报道为午餐饮酒而不希望被看出来的职场人士提供了如下建议:洗洗脸和手,避免牙齿上留有红酒印渍,要吃蒜味很重的主菜,或者抽根烟遮盖酒精味,最后这一条可不是开玩笑。

Other office secrets spring from the pressures of family life. Many nursing mothers hide their breast pumps. Others pretend to be working when they make calls to find a sitter or check up on their kids. I once wrote about a magazine editor who planned her children's birthday parties on her office phone while talking in hushed, serious tones and writing on a legal pad; she took copious notes while interviewing a clown. Other working parents call in sick when it is really their child who is ill. I have seen managers who made up excuses to avoid business trips, because their frequent absences were causing so much marital tension. Others claim they are working from home when they are really getting holiday shopping done with family members at the mall.


Still other jugglers try to hide early departures from the office to grab a little more time at home. One reader wrote The Juggle that she felt like she was taking the walk of shame every night as she stole past co-workers at 5:30 p.m. Another mother I interviewed grew so restless by 5 p.m. that she dumped the contents of her purse into a paper bag and told co-workers she was taking some trash out the back door to the dumpster. Leaving her purse at her desk, she slipped into her car and sped away toward home.

还有其他兼顾家庭与公司的职场人士试图早退而不被发现,以此延长在家时间。本报《工作•家》(The Juggle)栏目一位读者来信说,她每天下午五点半就从同事身边偷偷溜走,晚上感觉很羞愧。我还采访过另外一个母亲,她每天下午五点开始就坐立不安,然后把自己手提袋里的东西统统装进一个纸袋子,告诉同事要把一些垃圾从后门带出去,丢进垃圾桶。结果她的手提袋留在桌上,而人却溜进车里,向家急驶而去。

I'm not much of a drinker, and I haven't needed to sneak out early for years. Nevertheless, my own office secrets have always had to do with family. When one of my teenagers hit a rough patch, I invariably cloaked the real reason I was distracted or absent, blaming fatigue or some vague 'family business.' And years ago, I kept my divorce secret for more than a year, to give me time to deal privately with the sadness and loss.


Readers, is it hard for you to hide your personal life at work? When is it OK to keep a secret from co-workers or bosses, and when is it wrong? Do you see a rise in co-workers' private vices?


Sue Shellenbarger