
Maybe education can lead to marital bliss, too. College-educated women were more likely to be married at age 40 than women without a college education, new research showed.


And college-educated women were more likely to say they were happy in their marriages, said economists Betsey Stevenson and Adam Isen of the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School. The study, to be released Tuesday, was conducted for the research group Council on Contemporary Families. It was based on several data sets and surveys on men and women.

宾夕法尼亚大学 (University of Pennsylvania)沃顿商学院(Wharton School)的经济学家史蒂文森(Betsey Stevenson)和伊森(Adam Isen)还说,接受过高等教育的女性更有可能表示婚姻是幸福的。这项在周二(1月26日)公布的研究由研究团体当代家庭研究会(Council on Contemporary Families)进行,以多套数据及针对男性与女性的调查为基础。

For men, the better marital prospects that come with a college education are longstanding, but for women, this hasn't always been the case.


In 1950, 74% of 40-year-old white female college graduates had married at some point, compared with 90% of white women with just a high-school degree. By 2008, the figure for white women with college degrees had risen to 86%, and it had fallen to 88% for women with only high-school diplomas.


But white women with college degrees who had gotten married by age 40 were much more likely not to have divorced. As a result, at age 40, 76% of college-educated white women were married, compared with 63% of high-school graduates. Among blacks, 70% of college-educated women have gotten married by 40, compared with 60% of high-school graduates. They, too, were less likely to divorce.


A college education also appeared to make women happier in marriage. That's perhaps because both college-educated men and women were less likely to see marriage as a source of financialstability, Ms. Stevenson said, approaching it instead as 'a source of personal fulfillment.' That could also be a reason divorce rates among the college-educated were lower.


Justin Lahart
  • research [ri´sə:tʃ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.&vi.调查;探究;研究 (初中词汇)
  • female [´fi:meil] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.女(性)的 n.女人 (初中词汇)
  • financial [fi´nænʃəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.金融的,财政的 (初中词汇)
  • divorce [di´vɔ:s] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.离婚 vt.同....离婚 (初中词汇)
  • contemporary [kən´tempərəri] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.&n.同时代的(人) (高中词汇)
  • gotten [´gɔtn] 移动到这儿单词发声 get的过去分词 (四级词汇)
  • stability [stə´biliti] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.稳定;巩固;坚定 (四级词汇)