

Lessen 8:

How many ways to tax on the representative 0ffice?


Taxpayer: Our representative office has been set up recently. Can you introduce the method of taxing on the representative office?

Tax official: Yes. Generally speaking, there are three ways of taxation, namelydeclaration, verification, and conversion.

Taxpayer: Which kind of office is applicable for declaration?

Tax official: It is the one that can provide the whole materials about the contracts and commissions and can establish account books to make the receipt and expense clear.

Taxpayer: We can do like that. But sometimes we serve the clients without recording commissions separately, what shall we do ?

Tax official: In agency operation , commissions are calculated as the price difference of selling and purchasing .

Taxpayer: Some contracts indicate the commissions orpice difference , but some do not .

Tax official: In this case, if you can provide the whole contract documents, which introduce the bargain in China ,the taxable commissions can be calculated as 3% of the whole contract turnover.

Taxpayer: I see .By the way , some service are provided for the clients in cooperation with the headquarter. My question is whether the service provided out of China can be exempt?

Tax official: Yes. As long as you can provide valid proof, and divide correctly the commissions shared by office and headquarter respectively. Otherwise your office is applicable for the method of conversion.

Taxpayer: What is conversion?

Tax official: Well, since we can not acquire necessary materials, we can calculate your taxable income from your expense .

Taxpayer: I see. Are there any other kinds of representative office applicable for this method?

Tax official: Those that cannot determine whether their operations are taxable ,and those that can not correctly declare.

Taxpayer: How can you decide the way in which our office will be taxed ?

Tax official: You can apply according to the former introduction and your situation, and we will decide it after verification .

New Words

declaration 申报

verification 核定,核算;核实

conversion 换算

be applicable for 对......适用的

commission 佣金

account book 帐簿

receipt 收入

agency operation 代理业务

price difference 差价

turnover 营业额,销售额

bargain 契约,合同,交易

valid 有效的, 经过正当手续的,正当的,有根据的 Proof 证据,依据



纳税人: 我代表处刚刚成立,想了解代表处的征税办法。

税务局: 可以。一般有申报、核定和换算三种形式。

纳税人: 哪类代表处适用申报的办法?

税务局: 如果能提供合同和佣金的全部资料并且建立账薄、收支清楚的,可以自行申报。

纳税人: 有时为客户服务不单计佣金,怎么办?。

税务局: 代理商品贸易时所收取的进销差价视同佣金。

纳税人: 有些合同注明佣金或进销差价,有的则不注明。

税务局: 如果能提供在境内介绍成交的全部合同资料,可以按合同成交额的3%核定佣金计税。

纳税人: 有些服务是与总公司一起同客户提供的,总公司在境外服务应收取的佣金是否不计税?

税务局: 不计税,但要提供相应的合法证明,并能正确划分代表处和总公司所共享的佣金。否则,要按照以支出换算收入的办法征税。

纳税人: 什么是以支出换算收入?

税务局: 通过办事处的费用水平来推算其应税收入。

纳税人: 还有哪些代表处要按换算的办法征税?

税务局: 不能正确确定其活动是否应当纳税的,以及不能正确申报的。

纳税人: 我们代表处的征税方式如何确定?

税务局: 可根据上述介绍和你们的情况,提出申请,我们在核实后确定。
  • taxpayer [´tækspeiə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.纳税人 六级词汇
  • speaking [´spi:kiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.说话 a.发言的 六级词汇
  • conversion [kən´və:ʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.转化;变换;皈依 四级词汇
  • applicable [´æplikəbəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.合适的;适用的 六级词汇
  • separately [´sepəritli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.分离地;孤独地 四级词汇
  • exempt [ig´zempt] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.免除 a.免除的 四级词汇
  • respectively [ri´spektivli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.各自地;分别地 四级词汇

