For Dorothy and Thomas, wish you were here
"We look at the world once, in childhood. The rest is memory."
Thank you to Peter Steinberg and Coates Bateman. I am also happily
indebted to Nan Talese, Luke Epplin, and everyone at Doubleday, to Joe Regal and the redoubtable Bess Reed. To Melanie for her insightful reading and suggestions and for years of
encouragement. To all my children.
For their advice and
inspiration, Sam Hazo, David Low, Cliff Becker, Amy Stolls, Ellen Bryson, Gigi Bradford, Allison Bawden, Laura Becker, and Sharon Kangas. And for the swift kick at Whale Rock, thank you to Jane Alexander and Ed Sherin.
Sarah Blaffer Hrdy's Mother Nature: A History of Mothers, Infants, and Natural Selection inspired the journal article on the anthropological roots of the changeling myth.
四十年代的一个平凡夏夜,负气的男孩亨利·戴离家出走,躲进了森林里的某个树洞中。在那里,在黑暗中秘密生活、等候百年的仙灵用亨利 ·戴的外表重返人世,而亨利就此告别文明世界,永远以七岁的外表游荡在森林中。两个被交换命运的孩子渐渐成长,他们的生命几度交会,却都擦肩而过。亨利该如何夺回自己的人生?小说曾入围2006年度鹅毛笔大奖,该奖有"图书界的奥斯卡"之称。
一般奇幻小说给人的印象总是华丽、夸张与刺激,但本书的情节却意外以朴实、流畅取胜。作者留心于每一个小细节,让每个情节都非常合理,情感流动也极为自然,仿佛这本来就是一个真的故事,而非虚构。 这是一本写给成人的童话小说,囊括了美国各大畅销书排行榜,获得2006年《轨迹》杂志最佳新人作品奖、鹅毛笔大奖入围、亚马逊网上书店文学小说榜和奇幻科幻榜双料冠军!