

We should adopt an effective economy measure.



此句不能?作:"我?????采取一?有效的???胧?" 如要表?此?, ????:

We should adopt an effective economic measure.

在?在英?里, 用名?代替形容?或分?作定?, 以修?其后的名?, ???象是很普遍的.

例如用a luxury liner替代a luxurious liner(豪?的?船)

以a prestige scholar替代a prestigious scholar(有名望的?W者)

用race discrimination替代racial discrimination(?族歧?)

以gold watch替代golden watch(金表)

用lead ship替代leading ship(??)

以launch pad替代launching pad(?射台)

??以名?替代形容?,分?或?用?~的?象?然已日?普遍, 但?Q不能?意?E用.

因?樵谀承?龊舷? 用名?作定?和用?其相??男稳菰~作定?, 在涵?上是大不相同的,

economy measure和economic measure就是一例, 前者是"??措施"; 后者是"???胧?quot;.

下面例句中的riot picket和riotous picket在涵?上也是大相?酵? ?看:

To put down the strike, the bosses have sent out a troop of riot pickets.

?榱随??毫T工, 老板??派出一?防暴?察.

To put down the strike, the bosses have sent out a troop of riotous pickets.

?睦?淇梢?, riot pickets和riotous pickets的涵?恰好相反. ?注意, riot的原?是"暴?y",

"???quot;, 但riot pickets ?s不?作"暴?蛹m察", 而是??? "防暴?察". 在英?里, ?似的例?不少, 例如:

gas mask 防毒面具(不?作"毒?饷婢?quot;)

flu mask ?生器皿(不?作"流行性感冒口罩")

fire engine 救火?(不?作"?火?C器")

fire office 火?谋kU公司(不?作"失火?公室")

fire wall 防火??(不?作"火??")

skid chain 防滑?(不?作"滑?")

lightning rod 避雷?(不?作"???")

personnel mine 防步兵地雷(不?作"人雷")

mosquito bomb ?缥??(不?作"影子炸??")

?便在此指出, 在英?中?有另一?奇怪的?象, 即某些??同?r兼有恰好相反的???意?. 例如:

fireman既可表示"消防??T"(fire fighter)的意思, 也可表示"伙夫"或"??鸸と?quot;

(a man who looks after the fire in a furnace or steam-engine). biweekly既可作"?芍芤淮?quot;解,

亦可作"一周?纱?quot;解; occasionally既可表示"偶??"之意, 亦可表示"?r而"(now and then)之意.

??r候, 我??只有根??舷挛牡那?r去判定其?下面?一??例子, 以?明英?中的"同?反?"?象:

It's terrific!

?是美??顺Uf的口??. 如用上海方言表?, 此?有"???娜?quot;和"瞎嗲"???截然相反的??.

但在下列的?υ?中, 我??可以根??唧w情景, 一望而知它是近乎上海?的"嗲"或北京?的"??"和?V?|?的"?".

"I'll see if my good suit fits me," said Ralph.

"Oh, I expect it will," said Martha. "I'll be terrific!"

-----Writer's Review


?榱?y??者是否已掌握????字的?^?e和用法, ?在??下列一段文章后,


In the past week, the US ( ) news could hardly have been better:

brisk retail sales, a big jump in factory orders and even a significant

decline in the unemployment rate. With all these signs of an ( ) rebound,

some might wonder why President Bill Clinton is gong ahead with a program to

give the backsliding economy an extra shove -- a move that could add US $

31 billion or so to a budgetdeficit already headed into the stratosphere.
  • luxurious [lʌg´zjuəriəs] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.奢侈的;豪华的 四级词汇
  • prestige [pres´ti:ʒ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.威望,威信;声望 四级词汇
  • personnel [,pə:sə´nel] 移动到这儿单词发声 n人事(部门);全体人员 六级词汇
  • retail [´ri:teil, ri´teil] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.&a.&v.零售(商品的) 四级词汇
  • deficit [´defisit] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.缺乏,赤字,亏空 六级词汇

