
A garden of poems
New words:
1.intention n. 意图,意向,打算,本来的想法(不可数,或用复数形式)
1)have (no) intention of doing sth.打(不)算做某事
I’ve got no intention of changing my mind.
2)It is one’s intention to do sth.
It was my intention to have stopped there.
It wasn’t my intention to make you miss your train. 我不是故意让你误了火车.
3)He is full of intentions but can do nothing to help you. 他满心好意,但什么忙也帮不了你.
v.1)to plan, mean to do打算,想要,计划
intend to do
I intended to catch the early train, but I didn’t get up in time.
I intended to report to the police.
2)to mean to be意指,意思是,原意
The flowers were intended for you, but my mother thought they were for her.
It was intended to be cooked slowly.那本来是要慢慢煮的.
2.mad adj. 1)crazy, ill in mind
go mad
--What’s up? --She has gone mad.
2)angry( informal ) 生气的,发怒的,气得要命
be(get) mad at / with
I got mad at him for being late.
Mother gets mad with me for coming home late.
be mad about
He is mad about football.
4)be mad with …得不得了
She was mad with hunger.
She was mad with pain.
5)drive sb. mad使某人非常生气annoy sb. very much
like mad = very hard拼命地
I ran like mad to catch the train.
3.have a dialogue
make / create a dialogue
4.absence n.
1)缺席,不在[u]in one’s absence, 一次缺席或不在[c]
During his absence from Guangzhou his co-workers did a lot of work.
I shall take your place in your absence.
He acted as chairman in my absence.
Darkness is the absence of light.
In the absence of these conditions, it won’t work well.没有这些条件,它的效果不会好.
absence of mind心不在焉
adj. absent
be absent from
He was absent from the meeting.
Why were your absent from school?
6.apart adv.
1) 相距,相隔
Their houses are two miles apart.
The two brothers were farther apart than ever in their ideas.
During that time they were never apart.
Let’s keep the two things apart.
3) apart from
a.除…之外 (=besides)
Apart from them, I had no one to talk to.
Apart from that, he had no private income.
Apart from the cost. it will take a lot of time.
b.只是…(否则),除掉(=except for)
Apart from that, all goes well.
*tell / know apart区分开

1.whether …or…
I don’t know whether/ if you like it.
Ask him whether/ if he can come.
This is certainly the case but whether it is a fault or not I don’t know.
It all depends on whether we can get their co-operation.
I worry about whether I hurt her feelings.
Whether it will do us harm or good remains to be seen.
It was uncertain whether he could come.
The first question was whether he had arrived yet.
The question whether we ought to call in a specialist was answered by the family doctor.
I don’t know whether to accept or refuse.
He wondered whether to come or not.
6)(引起状语从句) 不管…是否, 不管… 还是
I’ll do it whether you like it or not.
Whether we go or whether we stay, the result is the same.
eg.---Dad, I’ve finished my assignment. --- Good, and ___ you play or watch TV, you mustn’t disturb me. A. whether B. whenever C. whatever D. no matter
2.get through –pass though通过
We managed to get through the forest with their help.
They succeeded in getting the bill through.
I couldn’t get through to you yesterday. The line was busy.
I ‘ve got through the book in one evening.
3.call up
1)telephone sb./ring up
Please call me up tomorrow.
The letter calls up the days when we
  • intention [in´tenʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.意图;打算;意义   (初中英语单词)
  • hunger [´hʌŋgə] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.饥饿;渴望   (初中英语单词)
  • absence [´æbsəns] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.不在,缺席;缺乏   (初中英语单词)
  • absent [´æbsənt, əb´sent] 移动到这儿单词发声  a.不在的 vt.使缺席   (初中英语单词)
  • uncertain [ʌn´sə:tn] 移动到这儿单词发声  a.不定的;不可靠的   (初中英语单词)
  • disturb [di´stə:b] 移动到这儿单词发声  vt.扰乱;使不安;打乱   (初中英语单词)
  • whenever [wen´evə] 移动到这儿单词发声  conj.&ad.无论何时   (初中英语单词)
  • whatever [wɔt´evə] 移动到这儿单词发声  pron.&a.无论什么   (初中英语单词)
  • yesterday [´jestədi] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.&ad.昨天;前不久   (初中英语单词)
  • informal [in´fɔ:məl] 移动到这儿单词发声  a.非正式的,非正规的   (英语四级单词)
  • specialist [´speʃəlist] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.专家   (英语四级单词)
  • assignment [ə´sainmənt] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.分配;分派;任务   (英语六级单词)