

第二集 致命爬升——西加勒比航空708号班机
Episode 2 "The Plane That Flew Too High"/"Fatal Climb"
NARRATOR: A scene of devastation in a remote region of Venezuela confirms the fate of a missing passenger jet.
CONTROLLER: Whiskey Charlie Whiskey 708, confirm position if possible.
NARRATOR: West Caribbean Airways flight 708 has mysteriously dropped from the sky while flying at over 30,000 feet.
MAN: It took off from Panama. It's a Colombian operator. There was[were] 160 French citizens on board[1].
MAN: The biggest accident that has ever occurred in the Venezuelan territory.
NARRATOR: Investigators hope the crew's desperate last words...
CAPTAIN: West 708!
CONTROLLER: Do you have a problem on board?
NARRATOR: ...will help them pinpoint the cause of the crash.
CAPTAIN: Affirmative, now we've had a flame-out on[2] both engines.
NARRATOR: But instead, the mystery deepens.
F/O: It's a stall Captain, it's a stall!
NARRATOR: The pilots can't agree on[3] why the plane is falling. Now it's up to investigators to figure it out.

Word List
1. devastation* n. 毁坏;极度震惊或悲伤
【示例】a scene of total/complete/utter devastation/destruction 一幅满目疮痍的景象
+devastating adj. 毁灭性的,灾难性的;惊人的,可怕的
└ 【例句】A burnt-out hole is all that's left of Asiana Airlines flight 214 after a devastating crash landing. 经历一次毁灭性的迫降后,韩亚航空214号班机只剩下一个烧穿的大洞。(S13E11特辑)
But what they get instead is devastating news. 但他们等到的却是令人震惊的消息。(S12E10波兰总统专机)
+devastate vt. 毁灭;破坏
└【例句】Learjet Victor-Mike-Charlie has devastated Mexico City's financial district. 里尔喷射机VMC重创墨西哥市的金融区。(S14E08墨西哥城公务机)
2. remote* adj. 边远的,偏僻的;久远的;极小的,微乎其微的
【示例】the remote past 遥远的过去 a remotepossibility 微乎其微的可能性
【例 句】When you talk about an accident in the Grand Canyon, you're talking about both hostile, inaccessible, remote and dangerous. 发生在大峡谷的空难就是环境恶劣、不易到达和偏远危险的组合体。(S12E06大峡谷空难)
2. territory n. 领土
【ACI用词】soil 国土;territory 领土(均用在指国家的形容词后)
3. desperate* adj. 绝望的;不顾一切的,铤而走险的,孤注一掷的;极度渴望的;危急的
+desperately adv. 不顾一切地;极其
4. pinpoint v. 准确指出(原因);给...准确定位
5. deepen* v. 加剧,加深
【示例】the mystery deepens 谜团加深

Reading in Depth
[1] onboard(on-board)和on board
onboard(on-board) adj. 随车(船,机)携带的
【示例】onboard radar 机载雷达 onboard LAN 板载网卡
on board 在船(火车、飞机)上
【示例】...people on board 机上有...人 a bomb on board 机上的一颗炸弹
[2] on both engines(注意介词)
[3] agree on
agree with 同意某人 I agree with you.
agree on 在...上达成一致(主语复数)
agree to 同意某事 They agreed to the plan.

文章标签:单词  背单词  
