
加州公路巡逻队(California Highway Patrol)公布的911电话录音显示,7月6日发生坠机事故的韩亚航空(Asiana Airlines)航班上的乘客以及看到事故发生的人曾担心,紧急救援人员的应急响应不够快。据该巡逻队称,第一通打给911的电话是在上午11:29,也就是这架波音777飞机在旧金山国际机场(San Francisco International Airport)坠机后的两分钟内。这些电话录音是在上周三晚间公布的。

Passengers on the Asiana Airlines flight that crashed on July 6 and people who watched it happen worried that emergency crews weren't responding fast enough, according to 911 recordings released by the California Highway Patrol.


The first call came in at 11:29 a.m., according to the highway patrol, within two minutes of the Boeing 777 jetliner crash landing at San Francisco International Airport. The recordings of the calls were released late Wednesday night.


'There are no ambulances here