

  在本次节目中,主持人和他的客人 Richard Arridge 谈论了生动的习语和它们的用法。
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Host: Hello, my name is Danny, and welcome to another edition of Mind Your Language. In today's show we are going to look at idioms which have appeared on the Animated Idioms series in the English for Life of in2english. We have a guest to help us today who is Richard Arridge, an English expert at China Radio and Television University.

Richard: Hello, very happy to be here.

Host: That's great Richard. Now you have chosen three idioms from the Animated Idioms series, and are going to read them out as well as give an example sentence with them, is that correct?

Richard: Yes, indeed. Right so lets make a start shall we?

Host: Yes Richard, we don't want our listeners to fast forward or to even fall asleep!

Richard: The first one is: 'snake in the grass' , this is often used for people who can be deceiving."Be careful of doing business with that snake in the grass".

Host: Yes, that's right. OK, the next one is...

Richard: Bull in a china shop. This refers to someone who is clumsy or has disregard for the things around them."David acted like a bull in a china shop during the whole of that meeting, he only cared about his own views".

Host: Yes, I know a few people who can be like that sometimes.

Richard: The final one is 'fish out of water' which happens when people feel unfamiliar in situations they are not comfortable with. He was the only person at the party who didn't work at the company, 'he felt a fish out of water'.

Host: Well thanks very much Richard, I hope you didn't feel a fish out of water on this show, and that's it for this week but we hope to have you on here again soon.

