
Programmable thermostats are supposed to help cut heating and cooling bills, but even the simplest device is often too complicated to use properly.


Nest Labs, of Palo Alto, Calif., won in the Energy category for its Nest programmable thermostat, which learns from users' preferences to automaticallymaintain and adjust home temperatures.

总部位于美国加州帕洛阿尔托(Palo Alto)的Nest Labs因发明Nest自动温度调节器,获得了《华尔街日报》"科技创新奖"能源类大奖。这是一款能够"学习"用户偏好从而自动保持并调节室内温度的温控器。

Beneath Nest's iPod-influenced design, the device combines sophisticated machine learning, software and web-based services to create personalized heating and cooling cycles.


For instance, while other programmable thermostats require users to go through a complicated set of instructions to preset their heating and cooling schedules, Nest users simply set temperatures manually for a week or so, and then the device uses those patterns to create an individualized schedule.


The device also senses when there is no activity in the home