
As flu season approaches, people soon will wake up to a tricky calculation: Should you drag yourself into work feeling awful? Or can you get away with staying home to heal?


Staying in bed poses a risk of falling behind or being seen as a slacker. But showing up sick, and grossing out or infecting colleagues, can be worse, and a growing number of employers are setting policies to discourage it.


'People get really, really ticked off at co-workers spreading germs in the workplace. There's nothing worse than being Typhoid Mary,' says Annie Stevens, a managing partner at ClearRock, a Boston leadership-development and career-transition consultant.

清岩公司(ClearRock Inc.)是波士顿一家管理层人员培训及职业介绍公司。该公司的执行合伙人史蒂文斯(Annie Stevens)说,同事在工作场所传播病毒,这真的会让人非常恼火。没有什么比把疾病传染给别人的行为更糟糕的了。

This year's outbreak of whooping cough, or pertussis