
Crafting a good resume for a job search is difficult enough. Doing so in later life -- when issues like age discrimination potentially come into play -- is tougher yet.


为了更好地了解50岁以上的求职者应如何攥写简历,我们采访了面向高级管理层的商务与职业网络网站ExecuNet的绩效改进与就业服务董事总经理唐•温特劳布(Don Weintraub)。

To get a better idea of how job seekers age 50-plus should approach this task, we spoke with Don Weintraub, managing director of performanceimprovement and career services at ExecuNet, a business and careernetwork for senior-level executives.


Here are edited excerpts of that discussion:


WSJ: Who needs a resume? Is it necessary for someone who has reached the top of his or her industry?


MR. WEINTRAUB: I think sometimes the person at the top really needs a document of this type more so than perhaps less senior folks. In the past, people came after them. Now they're finding that the phone isn't ringing.


WSJ: What should older job seekers keep in mind when writing or revising a resume?


MR. WEINTRAUB: A resume has become a document that's intended to brand, package, market and presell. And so folks need to think about this as their personal marketing brochure.


Our research shows that you have less than 45 seconds to capture the attention of the reader. What's most critical is the top half of the first page. You should have four or five accomplishments with metrics, literallyspelling out what you did. Up on top [you need] about 12 to 15 core competencies, like 'strategic planning' or 'mergers and acquisitions.'


If I'm doing a search [to fill a position], I tell the software to go out and find me candidates who have certain keywords in their resume. The software . . . searches [resumes], looking for these keywords.


WSJ: That raises a good point: Most resumes today are submitted online. Is there any need for a paper copy of a resume?


MR. WEINTRAUB: There are two schools of thought. One is that it may help get the attention of the reader if they get something in the mail. But at most companies [an application] has to go through the resume database system. Even if you sent a paper copy to someone, they would more than likely ask you to repeat the process [online]. They need to have it on file in a common system.


WSJ: Where does the cover letter fit into this?



MR. WEINTRAUB: The question is, will it be read? When I was a recruiter, I would skip the letter and go straight to the resume. But if it was someone whose resume really captured my attention, I'd go back and read the letter. Experienced applicants are more likely to have skills relevant to the companies doing the hiring. They have an advantage in the cover letter. If they match up their experience and accomplishments, they're more likely to have stuff to say.


WSJ: What are some of the biggest mistakes that older job seekers make?

我会把简历中接受教育的日期删除,你不必把那些信息放在简历中的。写明就读的学校、获得的学位即可,但是不用列出日期。千万别提一些远至20多年前的事情,(除非)你做过一些非常有意思的事和/或者你所工作的公司是像通用电气(General Electric)这样具备非同一般的市场影响力的企业。

MR. WEINTRAUB: They use words like 'seasoned,' or start out with 'over 35 years of experience.' You're immediately playing the age card.


I eliminate dates of education. You don't want to put that in at all. List the schools, list the degrees -- [but] no dates. Never go back more than 20 years [unless] you did something really interesting and/or you worked for a company that has real impact in the marketplace like General Electric.


WSJ: What mistakes are made when it comes to getting a resume into the right hands?

Rachel Louise Ensign

MR. WEINTRAUB: They assume, 'I'll go out and look at job postings, do a little networking and ask my buddies if they know of any jobs.' The higher up you go in terms of role and salary, the less likely it is that the job will be posted anywhere. If you aren't making it easy to be found, like being on LinkedIn or ExecuNet or one of the other executive-level sites, you're eliminating 92% of the job possibilities.

Rachel Louise Ensign