
Microsoft Corp. unveiled its first tablet computer, a sign of the new tactics the company is taking on as it tries to make up lost ground in the market for mobile devices.

微软(Microsoft Corp.)发布了该公司的第一台平板电脑,这意味着微软正采取新的策略努力在移动设备市场收复失地。

Speaking at an event for journalists in Hollywood, Calif., Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer and other executives showed off several versions of new tablet computer, called Surface, that will run versions of Microsoft's coming Windows 8 operating system.

在加州好莱坞为记者举办的活动上,微软首席执行长鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)和其他高管展示了不同版本的微软新款平板电脑Surface。该平板电脑将运行微软即将推出的Windows 8操作系统的不同版本。

Windows 8 is the first time Microsoft is rebuilding its flagship computer software with tablet computers in mind. Executives hope Windows 8 will continue Microsoft's efforts to catch up to Apple Inc. and Google Inc. in smartphones and tablet devices--two fast-growing computing markets where Microsoft's market share is negligible.

Win8操作系统代表着微软首次根据平板电脑需求改造旗舰电脑软件的尝试。微软的高管希望Win8将帮助微软在智能手机和平板设备方面追赶苹果(Apple Inc.)和谷歌(Google Inc.)。在智能手机和平板设备这两个快速增长的市场,微软的市场份额几乎可以忽略不计。

The Surface tablet is 9.3 millimeters thick and weighs 1.5 pounds, which is similar to Apple Inc.'s iPad (9.4 mm and 1.44 pounds). The Surface has a built-in kickstand and magnetic cover, which also acts as a touch keyboard.


Surface will 'be priced like comparable tablets,' said Windows boss Steve Sinofsky, at the event. But he didn't say when it would be available through online retailers.

微软Windows部门负责人西诺夫斯基(Steve Sinofsky)在活动中说,Surface的价位将与同类平板电脑差不多。但是他没有说明这款电脑何时开始在网上销售。

Microsoft executives said the company's decision to make a homegrown tabletcomputer fits with the history of Microsoft making hardware when it is needed to bolster the company's software--such as Microsoft's making one of the earliest computer mice.


'We wanted to give Windows 8 its own companionhardware innovation,' Mr. Ballmer said at the event.

鲍尔默在活动中说:我们想要让Windows 8拥有与之相匹配的硬件创新。

But by making its own tablet, Microsoft also risks taking sales away from a coming crop of Windows-powered tablets from its own allies.


Microsoft traditionally has left the making of computers to partners such as Dell Inc., Hewlett-Packard Co. and Lenovo Group Ltd. Microsoft treading on the hardware-makers turf threatens to strain that longstanding business arrangement. The computer makers' business is dependent on Microsoft, so they may not express annoyancepublicly at Microsoft's trading on the hardware makers' turf. But at least some hardware executives are fuming privately at Microsoft's decision.

长期以来,微软一直将生产电脑的工作留给戴尔(Dell Inc.)、惠普(Hewlett-Packard Co.)和联想(Lenovo Group Ltd.)这样的合作伙伴。微软进入硬件制造商的地盘可能会为破坏其长期以来的业务安排。由于这些电脑制造商的业务需要依赖微软,它们也许不会公开表达对微软此举的不满。但是至少有一些硬件公司的高管目前在私下里对微软的决定愤怒不已。

Microsoft's move to make its own tablet 'comes with consequences, which is complicating choices for consumers and complicating relations with third-party manufacturers,' said Sarah Rotman Epps, an analyst with Forrester Research Inc.

研究机构Forrester Research的分析师艾普斯(Sarah Rotman Epps)说,微软生产自己的平板电脑会带来一些后果,让消费者的选择以及微软与第三方制造商的关系都更加复杂化。

Mr. Ballmer sought to underscore Microsoft's longstanding and continued tight alliances with hardware companies. 'Those partnerships are essential to the reimagination of Windows,' Mr. Ballmer said.


Microsoft showed off the three versions of the Surface tablet, and Microsoft said the device will be powered by chips made by Intel Corp. as well as those licensed from ARM Holdings PLC, the variety of chips that power the iPad.

微软展示了三款不同的Surface平板电脑。微软表示,该设备将使用英特尔公司(Intel Corp.)制作的芯片,以及ARM Holdings PLC许可的芯片。

Shira Ovide