
40: The difference between Hawaii's state rank as a place to do business (#41) and its rank in well being of resident (#1)


The best states in which to do business aren't necessarily the best places to live.


The latest issue of Chief Executive magazine ranks the best and worst states to do business based on a survey of 650 CEOs (scroll down for the full list). Respondents were asked to grade states in which they do business in a number of ways, including tax and regulation, quality of work force and living environment. Texas and Florida ranked first and second, respectively.

《首席执行官》(Chief Executive)杂志依据对650位CEO的调查新出炉了美国各州商业环境最佳和最差榜单。调查要求受访者对他们业务所在地的税收、监管、劳动力质量和生活环境等诸多方面进行打分。得克萨斯州和佛罗里达州分列最佳榜单的前两位。

Texas and Florida also rank highly -- third and fourth, respectively -- as homes for billionaires, according to Forbes' list of the 400 richest people. But just because a state is good for business, doesn't mean business leaders are making their homes there. California and New York -- in last and second-to-last place in the rankings for business -- are the first and second most popular places for billionaires to live.


Being good for business also doesn't necessarily mean good for residents. Gallup produces a Well-Being Index for states, which tracks life evaluation, emotional health, physical health, healthy behaviors, work environment and basic access. Among Chief Executive's top ten states for doing business, just one -- Utah -- is also in the top 10 for well being. Texas ranks 27th and Florida is 41st. Meanwhile, the top ranked state for well being -- Hawaii -- is in the bottom 10 for states to do business.

宜商并不一定宜居。盖洛普(Gallup)有一项幸福指数(Well-Being Index),即对美国各州居民在寿命测定、心理健康、身体健康、健康行为、工作环境和公共服务等方面展开调查。《首席执行官》杂志评选出的全美商业环境最佳的10个州中,只有犹他州一州同时入围幸福指数最高的10个州榜单。得克萨斯州和佛罗里达州的幸福指数分列第27位和第41位,而幸福指数最高的夏威夷在商业环境方面却位居倒数十名之列。

CEO sentiment can't be ignored, but perhaps the most important metric for business is how the states rank in economic growth. By that measurement, some of the states popular with chief executives managed to post strong expansions in 2010. Indiana, Tennessee and North Carolina were in both top 10s. But some of the unpopular states posted among the strongest growth. New York, Massachusetts and Oregon were in the bottom 10 places to do business, but the top 10 states for growth.


Attracting business is an important goal for states looking to create opportunities and jobs for their people. They just need to be sure they aren't sacrificing citizens' quality of life to improve the quality of business.


Phil Izzo