
When Kimberly Charles came back from a business trip to Italy last fall, she brought a five-ounce, $500 white truffle home with her. She showed it to her boyfriend, Killian MacGeraghty, and described how she would make fettuccine with butter-and-Robiolo cheese sauce and carefully shave the truffle on top.

伯利·查尔斯(Kimberly Charles)去年秋天从意大利出差归来时,带回家一块重五盎司、价值500美元的白松露。她把这块松露拿给男友基利恩·麦克杰拉蒂(Killian MacGeraghty)看,并说她打算如何用黄油和罗比奥罗(Robiolo)乳酪酱汁烹制宽条意面,再小心地片些松露放在上面。

Mr. MacGeraghty didn't share her enthusiasm. 'It smells like bat-wing dust,' he told her. 'I was a bit crestfallen,' says Ms. Charles, 48, the owner of a marketing firm in San Francisco.


Sharing meals is one of the most enjoyable things couples do together, a regularly scheduled time to relax, have an intimate conversation and recharge the relationship. But when one person is an adventurous eater and the other has simpler tastes, meal times are often divisive.


Foodies can be exciting dinner partners, turning everyone around them on to new ingredients, wines and cuisines. But to people who don't share their passion, foodies also can seem intimidating, judgmental, even snobby. Meanwhile, non-foodies -- folks who know what they like to eat and see no reason to venture further -- can come across as timid, stubborn or, I hate to say it, boring.


When a foodie and a non-foodie fall in love, cooking and eating aren't always a shared experience. 'Non-foodies feel left out or even judged, and foodies feel that an important part of them isn't fully understood,' says Drew Ramsey, a Manhattan psychiatrist, Columbia University professor of psychiatry and co-author of 'The Happiness Diet.' 'Unless they can bridge that gap, they run the risk of feeling that something is missing in the relationship,' he says.

吃货若是与非吃货相爱,两人在烹调和用餐方面不一定总能合拍。曼哈顿的精神病学家、哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)精神病学教授、《幸福饮食》(The Happiness Diet)一书作者德鲁·拉姆齐(Drew Ramsey)说,"非吃货们感到自己受到冷落,甚至被扣上帽子,而吃货们则感觉自己个性中很重要的一部分没能被完全理解。"他说,"除非双方能弥合这种差距,否则可能会感觉到彼此关系中缺了点什么。"

Ms. Charles snuck bits of the truffle into Mr. MacGeraghty's rice and scrambled eggs. ('Did you taste that interesting, earthy note?' she asked him. Why yes, he did, he recalls. 'It's truffle!' she announced delightedly.)


A former sommelier who judges wine competitions, Ms. Charles can question the chef for 20 minutes before ordering at a restaurant. She has wine-tasting parties where everyone spits their wine into a bucket.


Mr. MacGeraghty, a 49-year-old singer and composer, says he is a 'meat and potatoes guy.' He doesn't spit out wine, but he has spit out food he doesn't like into his napkin. At dinner parties, he has claimed to want second helpings, taken his plate to the kitchen and dumped his first helping in the garbage. He says he finds Ms. Charles intimidating when she orders in French in restaurants.


Recently, the two met another couple for dinner at a popular new restaurant. Told there was a one-hour wait for a table, Mr. MacGeraghty suggested they go to the 'perfectly good restaurant' around the corner. 'What's more important,' he asked, 'the food or the good company?' His three companions answered in unison: 'The food.' They ended up waiting for the table.


The couple has learned other ways to compromise. Ms. Charles suggests he skip foodie events that seem too serious or snooty. Mr. MacGeraghty says he tries everything once and complains later.


Cindy and Larry Rynning, of Wheaton, Ill., have no trouble eating together, but they part ways over what to drink. For a recent meal of salmon teriyaki, Ms. Rynning chose a slightly sweet Riesling. Mr. Rynning drank milk.

来自伊利诺伊州惠顿(Wheaton)的辛迪(Cindy)和拉里·林宁(Larry Rynning)能吃到一起,但在喝的方面则不太一致。最近两人在吃照烧三文鱼时,辛迪选择了略甜的雷司令(Riesling),而林宁则喝牛奶。

Ms. Rynning, 58, an early-childhood special-ed teacher, likes wine's social aspects. She has taken wine classes, recently started a blog, and takes her husband to wine tastings. Mr. Rynning, a 56-year-old attorney, enjoys the wine tastings but prefers light beer.


He thought it was hilarious when he recently learned that there are different glasses for different types of wine. When she encourages him to write down his thoughts about a vintage, he gives one of three designations: 'good,' 'pretty good' or 'don't like.' Then he clears his palate with beer.


'I spend a lot of time on details in my work,' Mr. Rynning says. 'For me to relax, I don't want to analyze and take notes.' Sometimes, Ms. Rynning says she wishes her husband would split a bottle of wine with her. 'It would be a sharing of something that I really like,' she says. He says he feels a little frustrated on those rare evenings when she gets a bit tipsy and goes to bed early. But they both agree on one thing: 'It works out well that I can be the designated driver,' he says.

林宁说,"我在工作中要花很多时间来关注细节,所以休息时我不想做分析和记东西。"辛迪说,她有时候希望丈夫能和自己分享一瓶葡萄酒。她说,"这是分享我真正喜欢的东西。" 而林宁则说,有那么几个晚上辛迪略有醉意,会早早睡觉,让他感到有点失意。但他说有一点两人都赞同,那就是:"我能负责开车是很好的。"

Vera Sweeney, 34, co-owner of a company that manages several websites for women, says she eats 'like a child' -- that is, mostly chicken and pasta. Her husband, though, has eaten chicken hearts, sweetbreads, frog's legs, escargot and goat. 'And of course he doesn't just eat it,' says Ms. Sweeney, who lives with him in Garden City, N.Y. 'He has to eat it in my face.'

34岁的薇拉·斯威尼(Vera Sweeney)与人合伙经营一家女性网站管理公司,她说她吃得"和小朋友差不多"──也就是说,她主要吃鸡和意大利面。而她的丈夫则吃过鸡心、牛羊杂碎、青蛙腿、蜗牛和山羊肉。与丈夫一起住在纽约州加登城(Garden City)的薇拉说,"当然,他不仅仅是吃这些东西,而且是当着我的面吃。"

She has set some rules: No Indian food. No fish. No fajitas (she hates the way they smell). And she doesn't want to be nagged to try new things. 'He needs to let me be my boring self,' she says. Ms. Sweeney cooks chicken for dinner most nights. but they also go to restaurants Ms. Sweeney likes: American, Italian, Chinese, Greek, Turkish, Moroccan. When they try a new place, they call ahead to make sure roast chicken is on the menu.


Bill Sweeney, 35, indulges his adventurous tastes at a social club he formed for men in his town. Each month, he picks a restaurant for them that his wife would never try -- sushi, Thai, Asian fusion, a pub with 100 craft beers on tap.

35岁的比尔·斯威尼(Bill Sweeney)为当地男性组织了一个社交俱乐部,他们会尝试各种美食。斯威尼每个月都会为他们挑选一家他妻子根本不会去尝试的餐馆──寿司馆、泰国餐馆、融合亚洲餐馆,还有一家可享用100种精酿啤酒的酒吧。

'You have to understand what the other person likes and not let it be the be-all and end-all of your marriage,' Mr. Sweeney says. 'There are a lot more important things than whether she will eat eel with me.'


Elizabeth Bernstein