
Airbus is expected to unveil blowout order numbers for last year, likely setting an industry record for jets sold in one year and potentially booking almost twice as many orders as Boeing Co.

But beneath the rivals' lopsided tallies, the competition is much tighter.

计空中客车公司(Airbus)即将公布的去年订单数量将出现激增,其在一年内售出的飞机数量可能创下业内新纪录。其所接获的订单数量几乎是波音公司(Boeing Co.)的两倍。

Airbus, a unit of European Aeronautic Defence & Space Co., booked strong sales of its small, single-aisle A320, while Boeing logged the best year to date for its long-range, two-aisle 777. As a result, the gap in the dollar value of the two companies' sales is closer than their order totals would suggest.


The imbalance highlights the intensifying pressure Airbus faces to win orders for its big, two-engine A350 model, now in development, to counter Boeing's dominance in the segment.

作为欧洲航空防务航天公司(European Aeronautic Defence & Space Co.)旗下子公司,空中客车公司的单通道小型客机A320销售状况强劲,而波音公司的远程双通道客机波音777在去年取得了上市以来最好的销售业绩。因此,两家公司销售收入(按美元计算)之差就比订单总数差距小得多。

The average catalog price of Boeing planes ordered last year was roughly $145 million, while the Airbus average through November was roughly $105 million, based on data published by the companies and analyzed by The Wall Street Journal. Airbus on Tuesday will release full-year numbers, as Boeing did recently.


Airbus through Nov. 30 booked new orders for 1,521 planes, and 1,378 orders net of cancellations. The 11-month gross tally, the company's most recent figures, already exceeded a full-year record of 1,423 gross orders set by Boeing in 2007.


But 92% of Airbus's orders through November were for its A320 family of single-aisle models. It booked 126 orders for big planes, or 71 net of cancellations, although those figures might have improved in December.

截至去年11月30日,空中客车公司接到的新订单总计为1, 521架,扣除取消的订单后为1,378架。空中客车公司在去年前11个月接获的订购飞机总数(这是该公司目前公布的最新数据)已经打破了波音公司在2007年创下的1,423架飞机的全年纪录。

Airbus sales were boosted by a new, more fuel-efficient version of the A320 family, dubbed the Neo, which accounted for 86% of A320 orders through November.


The Neo's success forced Boeing in July to respondhastily with a promise to update its competing 737 model. Boeing landed only 150 firm orders for the planned 737 Max. Boeing executives predicted orders will rise this year.

A320系列中一款全新的、燃油效率更高的机型A320 Neo提振了空中客车公司的销售业绩。截至去年11月,这一型号的飞机在A320的订单总数中占到了86%的比例。

While Airbus cleaned up with its small, new model, Boeing did so with its large 777, which first entered service in 1995. Boeing sold 202 of them, more than in any previous year.

A320 Neo的成功迫使波音公司去年7月做出仓促回应,承诺升级其竞争机型波音737。但计划推出的波音737 Max机型只获得了150张订单。波音公司高管预测,今年该机型的订单数量将上升。

The 777's continued strength is significant for Boeing because it faces expensive delays with two new models: its 787 Dreamliner and a modified version of its venerable 747 jumbo jet.


The 777's longevity means Boeing's investments in its current versions are largely completed and so each unit delivered is highly profitable.

波音777的持续强劲对波音公司意义重大,因为波音两个新机型的推迟造成了高昂的代价:787梦想飞机(787 Dreamliner)和经典的747喷气式客机的改进机型。

Large, long-range models like the 777 can be money-spinners. Giant jetliners -- such as the Boeing 747 and Airbus A380 -- are built in relatively small numbers and require expensive customization. In contrast, slightly smaller models such as the 777 and Airbus A330 are produced in large numbers with limited customization.


Highlighting the 777's popularity, Airbus in December canceled production of its competing A340 model. Sales of the four-engine A340 evaporated in recent years because it was more expensive to operate than the 777.


The A340's failure was a blow to Airbus, which a decade ago spent several billion dollars to create bigger versions of the plane.


The A340 died because the 777 'is a better airplane,' said Tim Clark, president of Dubai's Emirates Airline, which ordered 50 of the year's 777s.


Large 777 models can consume as much as 12% less fuel than rival A340 models do, which were 'priced out of the market,' Mr. Clark said in a recent interview. Emirates operates both models.

迪拜的阿联酋航空(Emirates Airline) 总裁蒂姆•克拉克(Tim Clark) 说,A340没落的原因在于波音777更具优越性。阿联酋航空今年订购了50架波音777飞机.

Larry Loftis, who heads Boeing's 777 program, said 'simple physics' of fewer engines helped the 777 eliminate the A340. 'As the price of fuel went up, there wasn't much of a choice for our customers,' Mr. Loftis said.


'It is true that the 777 has, over time, edged the A340 out of the market,' said Airbus Chief Operating Officer John Leahy, the company's top airplane salesman.

波音777项目的负责人罗夫蒂斯(Larry Loftis)说,波音777凭借引擎数量更少这一简单的物理学常识打败了A340。他说,由于油价上升,我们的客户别无选择。

Airbus is replacing the A340 with the A350, which the company expects to enter service in 2014. But the plane has faced several delays.

空客首席运营长、公司销售业务负责人约翰•莱希( John Leahy)说,的确,波音777不知不觉已经将A340挤出了市场。

Airbus officials have said that its development remains challenging. And orders for A350s have slowed, following several strong years. In the first 11 months of last year, the A350 garnered more cancellations than new orders.


Airbus hopes the A350 will eventuallyeclipse the older 777. Boeing is assessing how to react and will probably modernize the 777 in a few years, industry officials have said.


'We will be in a position, if the market requires, to put in a very significant upgrade of the airplane,' Boeing's Mr. Loftis said.


Daniel Michaels / David Kesmodel
