
Negative headlines, 500-point-plus swings in the Dow Jones Industrial Average and economic uncertainty continue to fuel investors' fears. While some of those fears may be justified, financial advisers say you can harm your financial future if you let your fear keep you on the investing sidelines.

新闻头条坏消息不断,道琼斯工业平均指数(Dow Jones Industrial Average)以500多点的幅度波动,经济前景黯淡不明,这些因素都让投资者望而生畏。虽然一些担忧可能确有其事,但财务顾问们说,如果因为恐惧而不积极进行投资,那你未来的财富积累将受到影响。

Here are five big fears that haunt investors and what financial advisers say you can do to overcome them:


1. Indexes Zeroing Out


Financial adviser Kurt Rozman recently met with a client who was convinced that the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index was going to end up at 'zero by year-end' and that he would 'go broke' if he didn't sell out of the market immediately.

威斯康星州布鲁克菲尔德市(Brookfield)的财务顾问科特•罗兹曼(Kurt Rozman)最近跟一位客户见面;那人认为,标准普尔500指数(Standard & Poor's 500-stock index)将在2012年末"一切归零",如果他不马上清仓离场,就会"净身出户"。

'He envisioned an extremely unrealistic scenario,' says the Brookfield, Wis.-based adviser.


Mr. Rozman explained to the client that for the S&P 500 to go to zero, all of the 500 largest companies in America would need to 'go bust' at the exact same time and that was very unlikely to happen.


When a client is convinced of a 'doomsday' scenario, Brad Klontz, a financialpsychologist in Kapaa, Hawaii, encourages him or her to take a few deep breaths and repeat silently a phrase such as 'relax.' The client can then evaluate the accuracy of his or her thinking and look for evidence to support or refute that position. 'Just because a thought comes into your mind, it doesn't mean it's true,' Mr. Klontz says.

夏威夷卡帕岛(Kapaa)的金融心理学家布莱德•克隆兹(Brad Klontz)说,如果有客户确信"世界末日"就要来临,他会引导这位客户多做几次深呼吸,并在心里默念"放松,放松"这样的词句。然后,客户可以评估一下自己的想法是否切合实际,并寻找支持或推翻这一立场的证据。克隆兹说,"你脑海里出现的想法,不一定就是真的。"

He also encourages clients to put some time between their initialimpulse to react and the actions they wish to take so emotions play less of a role in their investment decisions.


2. Short-Term Volatility


After losing $400 in three months, the 24-year-old son of one of Ben Sullivan's clients decided he wanted to 'bail out on stocks.' Some clients' young-adult children are hesitant to invest in their company's 401(k) because their co-workers' fear of the market's volatility has affected their perspective, says the certified financial planner based in Scarsdale, N.Y.

纽约州斯卡斯代尔市(Scarsdale)的注册理财规划师本•苏利文(Ben Sullivan)说,他一个客户24岁的儿子近三个月来损失了400美元,就决定"卖出所有股票"。有些客户的年轻成年子女不太愿意投资所在公司的401(k)退休计划,因为同事们对市场波动的忧虑让其对投资前景缺乏信心。

While 500-plus point swings can be difficult to stomach, swearing off stocks or not investing in a 401(k) can be a big mistake, says Mr. Sullivan.


'When you have a 20- to 40-year time horizon,' he says, 'waiting to invest is likely riskier than losing a small amount in the short term.'


Mr. Sullivan says he encouraged the 24-year-old to hold on to his investmentstrategy and recognize that when he retires, the $400 loss will be 'long forgotten.'


3. Investing in the Unfamiliar


In some cases, the fear of investing in the unfamiliar can be useful since there are some financial products that are too complex to understand and that investors may be better off avoiding, says Jared Kizer, a St. Louis-based investment adviser.

密苏里州圣路易市(St. Louis)的投资顾问杰拉德•凯泽(Jared Kizer)说,在某些情况下,对陌生领域的投资恐惧可能是件好事,因为有些金融产品过于复杂,投资者搞不懂,还是敬而远之为好。

However, when taken to the extreme, investors may lack the diversification needed to meet their long-term retirement goals, he says.


Choosing investments just because they're familiar can also create unintended risk, Mr. Kizer adds.


For a client who invested nearly all of his life savings in his employer's stock, Mr. Kizer demonstrated how he would have a better chance of meeting his retirement goals if he invested in a variety of assets. Mr. Kizer also shared stories of investors who had lost their retirement savings when their employers went bankrupt.


4. Missing the Market


James Miller continues to field calls from some clients asking if they should 'get out of the market now and get back in when things look safer.'

北卡罗莱纳州教堂山市(Chapel Hill)的注册理财规划师詹姆斯•米勒(James Miller)不断接到客户来电,询问是不是应该"现在离场观望,等安全一点再进来"。

The Chapel Hill, N.C.-based certified financial planner tells them that timing the market isn't the answer. He reminds them that when things look 'safer,' the market will likely be at a much higher level and the clients will have lost out on a significantamount of the upside by that point.


5. Not Having Enough Money to Invest


When clients have too much debt and too little cash flow, they often feel that they don't have enough money to invest, says Constance Stone, a Chagrin Falls, Ohio-based certified financial planner.

俄亥俄州查格林福尔斯市(Chagrin Falls)的注册理财规划师康斯坦丝•斯通(Constance Stone)说,如果客户的债务负担很重,现金流很少,他们经常就会觉得没有足够的资金来做投资。

'It's often because the client's spending is irrational,' she says.


Ms. Stone recently helped a couple in their early 30s with $132,000 in credit-card and school-loan debt scrutinize their monthly spending and find ways to cut back. In the end, the couple realized that by cutting down on expenses, such as meals out, they'd have money to save toward retirement.


'You can start small,' she says.
