
《功夫熊猫2》讲的是,熊猫阿宝(Po)成为"神龙勇士"(The Dragon Warrior)后和他的朋友"The Furious Five"--飞虎女(Tigress)、仙鹤(Crane)、猛螳螂(Mantis)、毒蛇(Viper)、灵猴(Monkey)一起保护着他们居住的山谷。然而好景不长,一个强大的敌人--"孔雀王"(Lord Shen)出现,并计划用一个秘密武器征服中国、毁灭功夫的乐趣。熊猫阿宝于是和他的朋友们踏上旅途,辗转整个中国寻找并摧毁那个武器。与此同时,阿宝也要解开自己身世的谜团,只有这样才能释放出他体内的力量,取得最后的胜利。

Po is now living his dream as the Dragon Warrior, protecting the Valley of Peace alongside his friends and fellow kung fu masters, the Furious Five. But Po's new life of awesomeness is threatened by the emergence of a formidable villain, who plans to use a secret, unstoppable weapon to conquer China and destroy kung fu. Po must look to his past and uncover the secrets of his mysterious origins; only then will he be able to unlock the strength he needs to succeed.

1、[ awesome ]的相关名词
2、a. 强大的,可怕的,艰难的
3、n. 坏人,恶棍


大反派"孔雀王"(Lord Shen)

大反派"孔雀王"(Lord Shen)

--加里·奥德曼(Gary Oldman)配音:


"孔雀王"虽然有"漏斗云"(Funnel Cloud Attack)、"羽毛功"等独门绝技,但它更倾向于利用狡猾的头脑和强大的武器装备来对付敌手。



Lord Shen has come a long way from the sickly albino peacock whose parents deemed him too weak and pitiful to deserve attention. Vowing to accomplish something so great that the world would never ignore him again, Shen relentlessly pursued his lust for power. Through his devious cleverness and the sheer force of his will, he has -- after many years -- created the most devastating weapon the world has ever known. Now, on the verge of his greatest triumph, he is about to find out that something stands in his way -- something he thought he dealt with twenty years ago.

Fighting Style

Even though Lord Shen is a skilled Kung Fu fighter, he is more likely to use his cunning or his cannons than his physical prowess. His "Funnel Cloud Attack" and "Feather Attack" are daunting and deadly. Lord Shen also has a lethal-looking metal talon.

1.、n. 白公,白化病者,白化变种

2、a. 慈悲的,可怜的,同情的


4、a. 狡猾的,巧妙的,可爱的

山羊"占卜者"(The Soothsayer)

山羊"占卜者"(The Soothsayer)





Blessed with second sight and a generous heart, the Soothsayer is a prisoner of both. Once nanny to a sickly peacock, she found herself giving him what his parents withheld - love. She found that her love tempered the young peacock's growing ambition - until twenty years ago, when a fortune she told him lead to a horrific chain of events. For years she has lived with the burden of her guilt, tempered by a finely honed fatalistic sense of humor that comforts her as she awaits the events she foretold - events that she hopes will redeem both her adopted child and herself.

Fighting Style

Like Mr. Ping, the Soothsayer doesn't fight. She wins over opponents with love and a good sense of humor. Her extraordinary gift of second sight gives her insight into the true nature of any and all that she encounters.

1、n. 俘虏,囚犯,被监禁的人

2、保姆, 奶妈

3、n. 孔雀,好炫耀的人
4、a. 令人毛骨悚然的,可怖的

5、a. 宿命的,宿命论的

6、a. 非常的,特别的,非凡的

雷犀牛功夫大师(Master Thundering Rhino)

雷犀牛功夫大师(Master Thundering Rhino)

--维克多·加博(Victor Garber)配音:



Master Thundering Rhino, wielder of the legendary Cloud Hammer, is the benevolent leader of the Kung Fu Council, which protects the vast metropolis of Gongmen City. Thundering Rhino is descended from a long line of masters. He trained under his father, Master Flying Rhino, and become legendary in his own right by slaying the Ten Thousands Serpents in the Valley of Woe. As head of the Kung Fu Council, he is revered for his wisdom, kind humor and good deeds.

Fighting Style

Master Thundering Rhino is the most revered amongst all of the masters on the Kung Fu Council. Using the unbeatable attack of the legendary Cloud Hammer, Master Thundering Rhino is able to take on huge numbers of attackers and emerge victorious. When not engaged in battle or leading the Kung Fu Council, Master Thundering Rhino can be humorous and a great resource of wisdom.


2、a. 传说上的;传奇性的

3、a. 慈善的

4、prep. 在...当中,在...之间,在...之中

鳄鱼功夫大师(Master Croc)

鳄鱼功夫大师(Master Croc)

--尚格·云顿(Jean-Claude Van Damme)配音:



Master Croc was once the head of the infamous Wool Stealing Crocodile Bandits of Crocodile Island - a gang of criminals unmatched in their mischief. Anyone foolish enough to stand in a Croc's way was dispatched with his Legendary Lashing Tail of Terror technique - until the day Croc crossed paths with master Thundering Rhino, whose Kung Fu was proven superior in their epic battle on the shores of the Wa Su Li River. Beaten, Master Croc prepared himself for death, but the fatal blow never came. Master Rhino asked Croc to use his Kung Fu excellence for good. Croc was so moved by master Rhino's compassion that he quit his criminal ways then and there. He roamed China, righting wrongs and protecting the weak - and eventually came to sit at Rhino's side as a member of the Kung Fu Council. Croc, as strong as an ox and as wily as a fox, is famous for his many victories, not the least of which was his silencing of the Badger Bandits who talked about his Mom.

Fighting Style

The legend of Master Croc was established with his devastating use of the Lashing Tail of Terror Technique, which no opponent was able to withstand. Master Croc was unbeaten, until he challenged Master Thundering Rhino and lost. Still renowned for his many victories, Master Croc turned to the path of good, using his Kung Fu to help the weak. As a member of the Kung Fu Council Master Croc is a revered and respected Kung Fu master.

1、n. 损害,伤害,灾祸,恶作剧,淘气


3、n. 对手,敌手,反对者

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