
French prosecutors said they have decided to dismiss attempted-rape accusations made by a French novelist against former International Monetary Fund chief and Socialist politician Dominique Strauss-Kahn, citing a lack of evidence.

法国检方说,他们已经决定撤销一名法国小说家针对国际货币基金组织(IMF) 前总裁、社会党政治家斯特劳斯-卡恩(Dominique Strauss-Kahn)提出的强奸未遂指控,理由是缺乏证据。

In a statement, the prosecutors' office said the probe had uncovered 'facts' pointing to a possible sexualassault by Strauss-Kahn against novelist Tristane Banon in 2003.

检方发表声明说,此前的调查发现有"事实"表明,卡恩在2003年可能性侵了小说家巴侬(Tristane Banon)。

In September, Strauss-Kahn told French television that there was 'no aggression' and 'no violence' by him against Banon when the writer came to see him in a Paris apartment for an interview. Strauss-Kahn said Banon's description of events was 'a figment of her own imagination,' adding that he had filed a complaint for slander.


Banon can challenge the decision of Paris prosecutors by filing a new complaint, this time with the dean of Paris investigating magistrates. If Banon decides against pursuing this legal avenue, Paris prosecutors would start looking into Strauss-Kahn's slandercomplaint.


David Gauthier-Villars