410 BC ELECTRA by Sophocles translated by R. C. Jebb CHARACTERS IN THE PLAY ORESTES, son of Aga...
him:-but where is Creon? (CREON enters hurriedly from the palace.) LEADER Lo, he comes forth agai...
comforters! Such ills must be numbered with those which have no cure; I can never know a respite fr...
Thy choice was to live; mine, to die. ISMENE At least thy choice was not made without my protest. ...
Naimes the Duke the seventh next prepares Of Peitevins and barons from Alverne; Forty thousand che...
MENELAUS He loathed me, and I him, as well you know. TEUCER Because to defraud him you intrigued ...
To avenge himself he hath no longer time; Through the great press most gallantly he strikes, He br...
To have been a coward than too bold against me. (ODYSSEUS enters.) LEADER In good time, King Odys...
An evil day for us did this day dawn! For we have lost our peers and all our lords. Charles his gr...
That Charles holds, whose beard is white with age! For this sword's sake sorrow upon me weighs, Ra...
Which by the reins two Sarrazins do lead; Those messengers have wrapped them in their weeds, To th...
AJAX The slayer stands so that his edge may cleave Most surely (if there be leisure for such thoug...
Now my honour is turned into decline!" Charle swoons again, he cannot stand upright. AOI. CCVII ...
LEADER Yes, he is dead, Teucer: of that be sure. TEUCER Alas, how then can I endure my fate! LEA...
AOI. CXXXV The count Rollanz, though blood his mouth doth stain, And burst are both the temples o...