When the Queen gave birth to a young prince, as bright as the day, the child was given into t he si...
"These, much injured wife," said the Emperor, "are our children. Embrace th em tenderly, since they...
"Bird," cried the Emperor, "I believe the truth which you reveal to me. The feeling which drew me t...
"Bird, I thank you, and am rejoiced to find in you the sultan and king of birds." As soon as the Em...
The next morning the Princes met him early in the forest, and when the heat of the day oblige d the...
The Sultan resolved to gratify these strange wishes, and bade his Vizier note the house, and bring ...
So the visit to the court was paid. When they left the c ourt, they begged the Emperor that he wou...
A large basin of beautiful marble was placed in the garden; and when the Princess poured into it a ...
The bird would say nothing at first, but when the Princess threatened to take its life, it ba de he...
From this instant I obey all your commands. I know who you are, for you are not what you seem, and ...
The Dervish did not object to this plan, and the Princess, throwing down the bowl he gave her , fol...
Day after day, the Princess Periezadeh had counted her pearls, and on the twentieth, instead of mov...
On the twentieth day, he met the Dervish and asked the same question as his brother, Bahman. The old...
At the same moment his horse was changed likewise. From the t ime Prince Bahman left home, the Pri...
If you escape this danger, of which I give you but a faint idea, and get to the top of the mountai ...