Chen and the heroes returned to the boats and ate anddrank to their hearts' content. They had handed...
"The Xuanzong Emperor was at first a wise ruler, buthe became muddle-headed in his later years....
"I have found some more courage," he finally said. Hecovered the document with his cap and...
Putting aside thoughts of home, Chen rode back to thesociety's mansion near Hangzhou where he founde...
Qian Long laughed nervously. He pulled out ahandkerchief and wiped away the beads of sweat on hisbro...
`Mastermind' Xu went later to see the Muslim envoy."I will take you to see the Emperor," h...
Chen said to Wei: "Ninth Brother, send the vase toCommander Li. We cannot betray our word."...
They gathered later in the Great Hall to discuss thesituation.Chen said to Wei: "Ninth Brother,...
The heroes ate a full meal and then returned to theirrooms to rest. At six o'clock that evening, ana...
The slopes of Lion Peak produce abundant quantities oftea, one of the most exquisite varieties of th...
To his great delight, Beautiful Jade's dew-drop eyesconstantly looked over in his direction as she s...
When Qian Long was told that the Red Flower Societyhad rescued Wen, he was both surprised and angry....
After listening to Beautiful Jade sing for a while anddrinking a few cups of wine, Qian Long had beg...
Qian Long followed Zhao and Wei down one floor where alarge round table had been set up in the centr...
After two days and nights of being starved, frightenedand angered, Qian Long's resistance was virtua...