And the Nymph so deep distrest. Never flashed thro' sylvan valley Visions so divinely fair! He wi...
To right, and now to left, but evermore Subdued with influence, and controlled with dread Of that ...
Voicelessly the forest Virgin Vanished! but one look she gave - Keen as Niobean arrow Thro' the m...
The longest in life and the fairest in hue, When day and night, in bridal light, Mingle their bein...
Breasts and limbs and lifted eyes, Hair and lips and stretching fingers, Fade away--and fadeless r...
On lights as quiet as their own; The streets that groaned with traffic show As if with silence pav...
How could it be otherwise, fair as thou wert? Placidly fading, and sinking and shading At last to ...
Poems by George Meredith - Volume 1 by George Meredith CHILLIANWALLAH Chillanwallah, Chillanwalla...
The bitterness at a glance, and pressed Into the comfort of her breast The deep-throed quaking sha...
SONG Love within the lover's breast Burns like Hesper in the west, O'er the ashes of the sun, Ti...
And Fletcher's fellow--from these, and not from me, Take you your name, and take your legacy! Or, ...
From your cast playthings--why, This dreadful childish babble to his tongue, Dreadful and sweet? ...
Poems by Francis Thompson Contents: Dedication Love in Dian's Lap Before Her Portrait in Youth ...
They fondly thought to err from God, Nor knew the circle that they trod; And wandering all the nig...
By happy instincts inappeasable, Ah yes! that led him well, Lured to the untried regions and the n...