祝大家,尤其是老人们重阳节愉快! (2008-10-07 11:14:19)向中老年人学习:怀揣一颗宽恕心,健康生活每一天To err is human and to forgive divine, ...
“家庭妇男”怎么说? (2008-10-06 14:30:41)你知道丈夫的含义吗?——丈夫、丈夫,一丈之内乃夫也!你知道英文husband是怎么来的吗?——husband=house+band 房屋...
wardrobe 服装 clothing 服装 habit 个人依习惯.身份而着的服装 ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes 成衣 gar...
导致加速衰老的5种原因2008-10-08 10:20 Most people are aware that negative lifestyle habits like smoking and ...
女人省钱扮靓十妙招 (2008-10-15 10:33:39)You can look amazing without spending lots of money on your wardrobe....
趣味双语:教你15招轻松识骗子2008年10月13日 15:22 15招识破骗子 Quite often a person feels the need to lie about somethin...
100件事(一些很有创意的想法):1. Kiss a movie star2. Swim with a dolphin3. Take the next taxi to the airport and ...
家里自娱自乐的好选择 (2008-10-14 09:15:59)家是我们休憩的港湾。除了吃饭和睡觉,你喜欢在家里做些什么?看看下面的内容吧,你的居家生活会更加丰富多采。Forms of Home En...
勤洗手预防感冒 比维C片更有效2008-10-22 11:58 The days are getting shorter, temperatures are dropping, and the c...
地道英语50句 Quite a few English words or expressions, which British people use most frequently in thei...
You can invest half your paycheck in serums and creams - even splurge on dermal fillers and pricey f...
Weight loss can be difficult, no thanks to popular misconceptions that have the ring of truth but ca...
The slower you build up energy in the morning, the more painful waking up will be. What’s better, sp...
Think of the last time a song really moved you, or meant something to you. Listening to and playing ...
Wine drinkers tend to buy healthier food than beer drinkers,according to a Danish study published Tu...