When do people have two mouth?
what two words have the most letters?
align="center">昨日连接入口 (ground 是 “grind V.碾粹” 的过去分词形式,意思是“磨碎的”,同时ground本身又有“地面”的意思。所以When it's groun...
When is coffee like the surface of the earth?
今天的每日一猜scallion来客串一下哦大家多动脑筋,集思广益,奖励自然少不了!今日谜题:What's put on the table, cut, but never eaten?另外昨日谜题 的...
昨天去爸爸同事家所以没来发帖,对不起哈昨天晚上快12点才回来,所以...别怪我哈Why shouldn’t you lose your temper? The answer to...
What do you have that you can not lend to others?The answer to yesterday's riddle: Bee,昨天SINDY姐姐出的题目...
这个周末的每日一猜都是scallion来客串,希望大家多动脑筋,快乐学英语!今日谜题:What nation is one that has come to an end?昨日谜题的答案是:A pea...
scallion今天来发贴,还希望大家多多捧场了! 今天的题目不是很难,大家只要用心都会有所收获哦!今日谜题:What fruit is never found singly? 英语不很难,关键在多看...
昨天的每日一猜是scallion客串,今天蛋糕跑路来捧场!今日谜题:What is the largest ant in the world?另外昨日谜题 的答案是:A deck of cards.因...
快乐学英语,每天开心猜!这几天的题都不是很难哦,只要动脑就会有收获! 今日谜题:When is a ship falling in love with someone? 昨日谜题的答案是:Mother...
快乐学英语,每天开心猜!这几天的题都不是很难哦,只要动脑就会有收获! 今日谜题:Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad?昨日谜题的答案是:Because ...
这个周末的每日一猜都是scallion来客串,希望大家多动脑筋,快乐学英语! 今日谜题:Why is the letter A like a flower? 昨日谜题的答案是:Termination(...
快乐学英语,开心每天猜!欢迎做客"每日一猜".看看今天谁猜中蛋糕跑路的谜题,爱动脑筋的你准备好了吗? 9月14日谜题:What is it that everybody gives but few t...