,Heather和Jeremy是高中同学,俩人一起上数学课。在上课前的几分钟,他们聊了起来。,,Professor: That's right, Winnie. Say, what do students in my class t...
Heather和Jeremy是高中同学。Heather把作业借Jeremy抄,Jeremy请她去参加派对。今天,Heather去问Jeremy,去参加派对,自己要作什么准备。,,Professor: That's right, Win...
,Professor: Jeremy invited Heather to his party last weekend because she helped him cheat on his math homework. Today J.
,Daphne是个远足迷。她和朋友Roger一起去山里露营。不过,不是所有人都喜欢户外活动。,,Professor: That's right, Winnie. Some people like hiking, but some l...
,Daphne和Roger一起去山里露营。到了晚上,俩人坐在campfire - 篝火旁边聊天儿。,,Professor: That's right, Winnie. You know, being out in the woods...
,Professor: Daphne took Roger on a camping trip, but Roger had a terrible time because he is from the city and isn't u..
,Craig被纽约一家大公司录用,今天第一天上班。他刚搬来纽约不久,对公司周围的路不太熟,为了保险起见,他决定打车去公司--take a taxi。,,Professor: Yes, Winnie. But if there is l...
,Craig刚搬来纽约,第一天到新公司上班,却迷路了,只好向别人问路。,,Professor: That's right, Winnie. In this first part, Craig stops to ask a polic...
,Professor: Today is Craig's first day at his new job, but he got lost on his way to the office so he's really late. ...
,Amir已经在美国生活了几年,在考虑入籍成为美国公民。他找朋友Susan, 打听入籍的手续。,,Professor: That's right, Winnie. Becoming an American citizen takes...
,Amir正在申请成为美国公民,今天,他要去见移民律师John, 听听他的建议。,,John: Hi Amir, it's nice to meet you. I'm happy you want to become a US c...
,Ryan跟自己的好朋友Alice学习打篮球。今天,Alice带Ryan去看球赛,好让他学学比赛规则。,,Professor: That's right, Winnie. Alice is taking Ryan to watch ...
,,Professor: Amir just became an American citizen, and this year he is voting in his first American election. Today he..
,Ryan想锻练锻练,改善自己的身材。他的朋友Alice篮球打得很好,Ryan打算拜她为师。,,Professor: That's right, Winnie. Basketball is a very popular sport ...
,,Emily和Peter正在约会,俩人聊到了电影,还有平时喜欢的消遣。,,Professor: Winnie, we already know that both of them like going to movies in t...