
Impersonating a Rockefeller seems to have become something of a cottage industry.


First, there was Clark Rockefeller, the convicted kidnapper who's now got his own biopic. And now we have news of the even more wily Malcolm Rockefeller.

最初网上曾出现过克拉克•洛克菲勒(Clark Rockefeller),这是一个被判有罪的绑匪,美国一部传记式影片即以此人的真实故事改编而成。后来又有了关于马尔科姆•洛克菲勒(Malcolm Rockefeller)的报道,这是一个更加诡计多端的"洛克菲勒"。

Alex Beam of the Boston Globe tells the colorful tale of how a former car salesman named Eric Price transformed himself from a confessed bank fraudster into a New England Brahmin who drove a Jaguar and developed a refined taste for rare books and antiques. (Mr. Price has disappeared so he couldn't be reached for comment).

《波士顿环球报》(Boston Globe)记者宾恩(Alex Beam)报导了名为普莱斯(Eric Price)的汽车前销售员如何从一个供认不讳的银行诈骗犯摇身一变成为开着捷豹(Jaguar)、对善本和古董有着优雅品味的美国新英格兰地区上流绅士的故事。(普莱斯已人间蒸发,所以无法联系其置评)。

What's most interesting about the tale is how Mr. Price used the new tools of Facebook and e-mail to create his persona. He used a Harvard student e-mail (m.rockefeller.md@harvard.edu) to pretend to be a Harvard pediatrician. Then he created Facebook interactions with 'Mitzi Rockefeller' and other regal-sounding but presumably fictitious friends and exchanged news and gossip about the Rockefeller family.

这个故事最吸引人的一点是普莱斯如何利用Facebook以及电子邮件这些新工具来对自己进行改头换面的包装。他利用哈佛一个学生的邮箱地址(m.rockefeller.md@harvard.edu)假装自己是哈佛的儿科医生,然后在Facebook上与麦特兹•洛克菲勒(Mitzi Rockefeller)以及其他显赫人物(大概都是虚构的朋友)建立联系,互相交流关于洛克菲勒家族的新闻和八卦。

His act only came undone after he made the mistake of attending a dinner at the home of an actual Rockefeller. Before he was unmasked, he allegedly made away with bank statements from the family's home. He was indicted by police but has since vanished.


The joys of creating fake identities online is nothing new. Nor is impersonating a rich person. But the practice of using online tools to create a real-life identity as a rich guy is likely to become increasingly common as people's lives become more virtual.


Of course, many of today's Rockefellers aren't all that rich anymore, after multiple generations of spending and taxes. So rather than using the Rockefeller name, tomorrow's online faux riche might want to become a Gates or Buffett.


Robert Frank

Robert Frank