Every week,local newspapersin China publish pictures of the country's
lottery winnersshowing up to claim their oversized checks -- in disguise.
Some of the winners
resort to a simple
combination of face masks, sunglasses and hoods pulled over their heads. Others get a little more
creative: It's not
uncommon to see a Batman or
medievalknight in the mix.
The practice of concealing one's
identity isn't a practical joke by some lucky
lottery winners. It's become the proper 'street-smart'
etiquette in China. With prize money of up to tens of millions of U.S. dollars -- more even than some lotteries in America â '
winning can bring more grief than good. Whether from fear of solicitations, kidnapping or even just unwanted
celebrity, most
lottery winners think it's best to be
cautious. Some, according to newspaper accounts, even say they aim to keep their
winnings a secret from their family members -- and to continue on life as is. (Or so they have said, on the record.)
Fear of being identified as weathly played a role in the recent debateover philanthropy ignited by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett's visit to China last month. It may also explain why the Hurun Report had such a difficult time tracking down all of the country's billionaires.'
上月盖茨(Bill Gates)和巴菲特(Warren Buffett)访问中国所引发的慈善讨论中,怕露富是富豪的一个顾虑。这可能也解释了胡润百富榜(Hurun Report)何以在追踪中国的亿万富翁时困难重重。
Meanwhile, the public has taken an interest in judging the costumes of these new millionaires, with bloggers posting their photosand picking their favorites. With Halloween just around the corner, maybe they can provide some
inspiration for those who have yet to find a costume.
Amy Ma
Amy Ma