
Nearly four years after Apple unveiled the iPhone, and more than two years after Google introduced its first Android smartphone, Microsoft is launching its effort to catch up. On Nov. 8, AT&T and T-Mobile will begin selling the first phones powered by the software maker's new Windows Phone 7 operating system.

接近四年前,苹果公司(Apple)发布了iPhone;两年多以前,谷歌(Google)又推出了第一款Android智能手机。现在微软(Microsoft)正在奋起直追。11月8日,美国电话电报公司(AT&T)和T-Mobile将开始出售第一批安装微软新款操作系统Windows Phone 7的手机。

I've been testing two of these initial Windows Phone 7 phones, the Samsung Focus from AT&T and the HTC HD7 from T-Mobile; each will cost $200. Both are slender phones with large screens and virtual keyboards, though the Samsung is thinner and lighter than the HTC.

我测试了第一批Windows Phone 7手机中的两部,它们分别是美国电话电报公司出售的三星(Samsung)Focus,和T-Mobile出售的宏达国际(HTC)HD7,售价都将是200美元。两款都是拥有宽大屏幕和虚拟键盘的轻薄型手机,但三星Focus的厚度和重量都小于宏达国际HD7。

Microsoft has imposed tight requirements on the new Windows Phone 7 phones -- including fast processors, decentscreens and adequate memory. However, in my testing this time, I didn't focus on the hardware. Instead, I bored in on the new Microsoft operating system, set to show up on nine phones this year, including some with physical keyboards.

微软对这些新款Windows Phone 7手机有着严格的要求,包括处理器速度要快、屏幕要漂亮、内存要足够。但我在这次测试中并没有关注硬件,而是仔细研究了微软这款新的操作系统。按计划,新系统将出现在今年发布的九款手机当中,包括一些拥有实体键盘的手机。

My conclusion is that Microsoft has used its years in the smartphone wilderness to come up with a user interface that is novel and attractive, that stands out from the Apple and Google approaches, and that works pretty well. Instead of multiple screens filled with app icons, or the occasional widget, Windows phones use large, dynamic tiles that can give you certain information, like your next appointment, at a glance. And it has special 'hubs' for things like contacts and entertainment that use bold, attractive interfaces and offer personalized, updating information.


However, despite having all that time to study its rivals, Microsoft has inexplicably omitted from Windows Phone 7 key features common, or becoming so, on competitive phones. These missing features include copy and paste, visual voicemail, multitasking of third-party apps, and the ability to do video calling and to use the phone to connect other devices to the Internet. The Android phones and the iPhone handle all these things today.

然而,尽管有那么长的时间去研究竞争对手,微软却在Windows Phone 7上面排除了竞争对手手机上面常用的、或者说是正在变得常用的关键功能,真是难以理解。这些没有包括进去的功能包括复制粘贴、可视语音邮件、第三方应用程序的多任务处理、视频聊天,以及利用手机把其他设备连上互联网的功能。目前这些功能在Android手机和iPhone上面全部都有。

Plus, because it has waited so long to enter the super-smartphone market, Microsoft is starting way behind in the all-important category of available third-party apps. At launch next month, the company hopes to have about 1,000 apps available for the Windows Phone 7 platform, compared with nearly 100,000 for Android phones and around 300,000 for the iPhone. That means Windows phones will, by definition, be less versatile than their main competitors, at least at launch.

另外,由于等了很长时间才进入超级智能手机市场,微软在极其重要的第三方应用程序领域一起步就远远落后于竞争对手。微软预计,下个月上市时Windows Phone 7平台上将有1,000种应用程序,而Android手机的应用已经接近10万种、iPhone应用已达30万种左右。仅这一点就意味着Windows手机没有主要竞争对手那样用途广泛,至少在刚上市的时候会是如此。

In addition, Microsoft, unlike Apple, has ceded prominent home-screen real estate to the phone makers and carriers so they can push their own apps, like subscription-based TV and navigation services.


To be sure, Windows Phone 7 has a few advantages. These include built-in mobile versions of Microsoft Office (present for years on earlier Microsoft-powered phones) and of its popular Xbox Live gaming service, which also interacts with Xbox game consoles. There is a nice feature that allows the camera to be used quickly, even if the phone is locked. And search works particularly well, including a mode that allows you to enter search commands by voice from any screen. Phone calling also worked just fine, with few failed calls, good voice quality and easy connection to a Bluetooth device I tried.

需要说明的是,Windows Phone 7也拥有它的几项优势,包括内置的Microsoft Office手机版(前几年的微软手机上也有),以及Xbox Live这款流行游戏服务的手机版(还可以同Xbox游戏主机互动)。另外还有一种功能,让你可以迅速地用上摄像头,哪怕手机处于锁定状态。搜索功能用起来特别顺手,利用其中的一个模式,不管屏幕上显示的是什么,你都可以通过语音来输入搜索指令。打电话的功能也还不错,很少出现呼叫失败的情况,语音质量很好,和我尝试的一个蓝牙设备也能够顺利地连接。

But I couldn't find a killer innovation that would be likely to make iPhone or Android users envious, except possibly for dedicated Xbox users. Even the built-in Office can be replicated with third-party Office-compatible apps on competing platforms; and the iPhone and Android phones also can interoperate with Microsoft's corporate Exchange email, calendar and contactsystem.


So for now, I see Windows Phone 7 as mostly getting Microsoft into the game, and replacing the stale, complicated Windows Mobile system that preceded it. It will get better. The company is already working on a copy and paste system, and said it is coming early next year. But, today, I see Windows Phone 7 as inferior to iPhone and Android for most average users. It's simply not fully baked yet.

所以目前来看,我觉得Windows Phone 7主要是让微软加入智能手机角逐,并取代此前陈旧、复杂的Windows Mobile系统。它会越来越好。微软已经在研制一个复制粘贴系统,并说这个系统将在明年年初推出。但在今天,我认为对于大多数普通用户来说,Windows Phone 7还赶不上iPhone和Android。它根本就没有完全成熟。

The main feature of Windows Phone 7 is the Start screen, which takes the form of a long vertical list of tiles that can represent either an app or a hub. The phones lack multiple home screens or traditional folders for grouping apps. These tiles are dynamic: They can show things like rotating photos of friends.

Windows Phone 7 的主要特色是其主界面(Start),上面有一列长长的、竖直排列的平铺格窗,这些平铺格窗可以代表一个应用或一个集件。没有多个主屏,也没有用于集纳应用程序的传统文件夹。这些平铺格窗是动态的,它们可以显示旋转的朋友照片等东西。

Microsoft doesn't intend for you to place every app or feature on the Start screen. Instead, some apps, like games, go automatically into one of the special tile hubs, which combinerelated functions. And all other apps pre-installed or added to your phone go into another long master list you can see by flicking aside the tile view or tapping an arrow.


It's a clean, simple, different approach. But there is a downside. As you 'pin' your favorite apps, contacts, photos or Web sites to the Start screen, the list of tiles grows longer, and you have to scroll further and further to reach some. There is no shortcut for getting back to the top of such a list, as there is on the iPhone.


The hubs have a level of social and functional integration seen on some Android phones and on Palm's webOS operating system, now owned by Hewlett-Packard. For instance, in the People hub, you not only see your local contacts, but those synced from Facebook or Microsoft's Windows Live service. This hub, like the others, borrows the elegant interface from Microsoft's failed Zune music player, so you can flick left and right to see just recent contacts or to see your friends' status updates. But the People hub doesn't have Twitter.

集件对社交媒体和手机功能的集成程度,可与部分Android手机和Palm公司的webOS操作系统(目前为惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard)所有)媲美。例如在"People"(联系人)集件中,你不仅能看到本地联系人,还可以看到从Facebook或微软Windows Live服务同步而来的联系人。这个集件和其他集件一样,从微软遭遇失败的Zune音乐播放软件上复制了雅致的界面,这样你翻到左边或右边,就可以查看最近的联系人或友邻的状态更新。但"People"集件没有集纳Twitter。

Microsoft sees this combination of tiles and hubs as a 'glance and go' interface for quickly seeing important information without opening apps, as on the iPhone. But I was disappointed that more information wasn't presented on the tiles. For instance, unlike in some Android apps and widgets I've used, a stock market tile and a weather tile I downloaded didn't show on their surfaces the latest information.

微软把这种平铺格窗与集件的组合叫做一种"一目了然"(glance and go)的界面,不需要像iPhone那样点开应用程序就可以马上看到重要的信息。但让我失望的是,另外一些信息并没有在平铺格窗上呈现。比如我下载的一个股市格窗和一个天气格窗就没有在其各自的表面显示最新的信息,而我用过的一些Android应用程序和小部件就不是这样。

The calendar, which syncs with Exchange, Windows Live, or Google, can't sync with Yahoo or MobileMe, and lacks a week view. The email program syncs with a variety of services, but lacks a unified inbox.

日历表可以跟Exchange和Windows Live同步,但没法跟Yahoo或MobileMe同步,并且没有一个按周浏览的模式。电子邮件程序可以和很多电邮服务同步,但缺少一个统一的收件箱。

Another downside for some users: The phones can be used in horizontal view for photos and Web pages, or for typing email, but some screens, like the Start screen and hubs, are fixed in vertical mode.

