
  科目 英语

  年级 高二

  文件 high2 unit22.1.doc

  标题 A Tale of Two cities

  章节 第二十二单元

  关键词 高二英语第二十二单元



  【 抛砖引玉 】



    Ⅰ. 词汇学习

    servant , let...in , mad , brave , cruel , have a test , deed , in public , sentence...to death , eager , do a good deed , tale ,revolutionary ,cart ,disturb, mental ,noble, tax, fortune ,arrival ,prisoner,mentally ,in peace,strength ,attend ,fall in love with ,make sure of ,suffer ,suffer from ,set fire to ,burn...to the ground, court,do wrong ,chemist

    Ⅱ. 交际英语

    1. You must have been...

    2. She can't have been...

    3. She may have done...

    4. You might have done...

    Ⅲ. 语法学习

    学习 - ing 形式作定语和状语的用法

    1 . - ing 形式做定语可以表示所修饰名词的性质特征。如:

    an exciting news ( = a news which is exciting ) 一个令人激动的消息

    a moving film ( = a film which is moving ) 一个令人感动影片

    注意:a surprising look 一个令人吃惊的表情 a surprised look 一个吃惊的表情

    - ing 形式作定语表示修饰名词的性质,特征; - ed 形式做定语表示所修饰名词的状态。

    2 . - ing 形式做状语时通常表示主语正在进行另一个动作,来对谓语表示的主要动作加以修饰或做主要陪衬。这样用时 ( 1 ) - ing 形式表示的必须是主语的一个动作即 - ing 形式的动作发出者应是句子的主语。 ( 2 ) - ing 形式所表示的动作和谓语表示的动作同时发生。 ( 3 ) - ing 形式表示的是次要动作,对谓语表示的动作或状态加以说明。

    1 ) - ing 形式在句中可以做伴随状语,常放于句后。 如:

    They sat in front of the building , laughing and chatting .

    He worked late yesterday , preparing for the lecture .

    2 ) - ing 形式可以做时间状语,常放句首。如:

    ( When ) Walking in the street , I caught sight of a tailor's shop .

    ( After ) Finishing my work , I went out .

    3 ) - ing 形式可以做原因状语,常放句首。

    如:Being ill , he can't go to school .

    Not knowing her address , we couldn't get in touch with her .

  【 指点迷津 】

    promise , admit , let , allow



    Mother never ________ my brother to go swimming in the river .

    A . promised B . admitted C . let D . allowed

    此题命得好。所给四个选项均有较强的相互干扰性,增加了试题的难度。其中 let 要求不带 to 的不定式作宾补,易排除。选项 promise , allow 均可用于"vt . + 宾语 + to do sth . "句型中。如:I promised him to attend to the matter promptly . Allow me to introduce Mr . Zhang . 但是,promise 是较正式的书面用语。admit 不能用 admit sb . to do sth . 句型结构。admit 表示"接受"、"允许"、"让某人享有"之意,一般用于 admit of sth . 结构中。promise"允许"、"答应",含有"保证" ( 许下诺言 ) 和"有 ( 良好的 ) 前途或希望"之意 ( 如:答应给买一辆自行车 ) 。allow 的意思侧重于"听任"或"默许",也就是仅仅"不加阻止"。是口语化的说法。根据语境,上面试题的最佳答案应选D ( allowed ) 。


  【 学法指要 】


    1 . eager 用作形容词,意为"渴望的,殷切期盼的;热心的"。其副词形式为 eagerly , 名词形式为 eagerness。例如:


    He was eager for success .

    They are eager to see their daughter .

    John was eager for us to come to the party .

    We are eager that the project should be started early .

    They listened to the lecture with eager attention .

    2 . disturb 常用作及物动词,意为"妨碍,打扰 ( 睡眠、工作等 ) ;扰乱...,搞乱...;使 ( 人 ) 心神不宁"。例如:


    The noise in the street disturbed my study .

    Tell me if I'm disturbing you .

    A light wind disturbed the smooth surface of the lake .

    She was disturbed to near of her mother's sudden illness .

    3 . fortunate 用作形容词,意为"幸运的,运气好",其名词形式为 fortune , 副词形式为 fortunately。fortunate 后通常跟 in doing sth , to do sth . 或 that 从句。例如:


    She is fortunate in having a good husband .

    I'm fortunate to have good health .

    It was fortunate that he was saved by the passing boat .

    Fortunately , they returned safely .

    4 . suffer 既可用作及物动词,意为"遭受 ( 痛苦、损害等 ) ";也可用作不及物动词,意为"受苦,苦恼,患病,遭受损害"。例如:


    The city suffered serious damage from the earthquake .

    They suffered a great deal in the war .

    I'm pleased to know that you didn't suffer much pain while you were ill .

    His health suffered terribly from the heavy drinking .

    suffer from 常用作短语,意为"苦于......;患......病"。例如:

    The village is suffering from depopulation .


    Last week I suffered a bad cold .

    5 . doubt 既可用作名词,也可用作动词,意为"怀疑"。例如:

    I have some doubt about his words .

    There is no doubt of his success .

    There is some doubt whether he is the best man for the job .

    I have no doubt that he will pass the examination .

    I doubt the truth of the news .

    I doubt whether he will keep his work .

    I don't doubt that our team will win .


    1 . let in 意为"让......进来"。例如:

    You must keep the door closed , don't let the dog in .

    Windows let in light and air .

    Will you please let Mr Smith in by opening the door?

    He has a key to the front door so he will be able to let himself in .


    2 . in public 意为"公开地;公然地;当众地。"例如:

    It's bad manners to spit in public .

    The little girl does not like to speak English in public .

    Don't make so much noise in public .

    3 . sentence...to death 意为"将......判处死刑"。例如:

    The murderer was sentenced to death last week .

    The robber has been caught and was sentenced to three year's imprisonment .

    4 . take the place of 意为"代替;取代",这一短语也可以用 take sb's place 来代替。

    I will take the place of your teacher .

    Electric trains have now taken the place of steam ones in our country .

    Mr John take your manager's place .

    Your manager is very ill , so Mr John is taking his place .

    5 . keep silent 意为"保持沉默"。例如:

    When the teacher questioned the students , some of whom kept silent .

    Don't keep silent when you are asked to answer the question .

    6 . fall in love with ( = lose one's heart to ) 意为"爱上"。例如:

    The young man fell in love with the beautiful girl at first sight .

    He fell in love with her when they worked together in the country .

    He liked the girl but didn't fall in love with her .

    7 . make sure of + sth . / doing sth . 意为"将......弄确切;确保......"。

    We should get there as early as possible in order to make sure of getting a ticket for the concert .


    Will you make sure of his return?


    make sure + that - clause 还可以作为一个句型掌握。如:

    I haven't made sure that I will win the match .

    Please make sure that lights are turned off .

    Will you make sure that he returned?

    Make sure that you pick me up at five .

    8 . set fire to sth . ( = set sth . on fire ) 意为"放火烧某物;使某物着火"。例如:

    The enemy set fire to the village .

    ( = The enemy set the village on fire . )



    1 . The guards couldn't have been watching very carefully . 卫兵不可能一直进行严密的监视。

    〖 明晰 〗 ( 1 ) 对于现在事件的否定推断,可用 can't 或 couldn't 加上动词 be 的不定式一般式。如:


    child:Can I have some sweets? I'm hungry . 我可以吃一点糖果吗?我饿了。

    Mother:You can't / couldn't be hungry . You've just had dinner . 你不会饿的,你刚吃过饭。

    ( 2 ) 对于过去事件的否定推断,可以由 can't / couldn't + 任何动词的不定式完成式来表示。例如中"couldn't + have been + v . - ing"是couldn't + 不定式的完成进行式,表示"想必不可能一直在进行"的意思。例如:

    It's very late now . Jack can't have been waiting at the bus stop .

    All the lights were out . They couldn't have been working in the factory .

    She couldn't have been writing . So far as I know , she has been ill since last month .

    ( 3 ) 在其它时态中的用法。例如:

    Tom:A man answered the phone . I suppose it was her husband .

    Ann:It couldn't have been her husband . He's been dead for ages .

    Ann:Who brought the grand piano upstairs?

    Mary:Perhaps it was Tom .

    Ann:He can't / couldn't have dome it by himself .

    2 . You must have been mad to speak to the servant! 你跟那个仆人讲话,准是发疯了!

    〖 明晰 〗 ( 1 ) "must have + 过去分词"表示对过去情况比较肯定的推测,意为"准是","想必一定是"。又如:

    She must have been very young when she got married .

    The ground is wet . It must have rained last night .

    He must have arrived by now .

    Mary must have caught a cold . she had a high fever last night .

    ( 2 ) 对现在情况的推测,用"must + 动词不定式 ( 不带to ) ",如:

    Mary must catch a cold , she has a high fever .

    This must be your room .

    Comrade Li must be in the dormitory now .

    You must be joking .

    He must be seventy now .

    3 . She understood what I was talking about , even though it was the first time we had spoken together . 即使这是我们第一次在一起讲话,她也懂得我同她谈的道理。


    〖 明晰 〗 ( 1 ) 在下列表达方式之后,要用完成时:

    it ( this , that ) is the first ( second , third , fourth... ) time...

    it ( this , that ) is the only...

    it ( this , that ) is t he finest ( worst , most interesting ) ... 例如:

    It was the first time that she had sung in public .

    This is the first time ( that ) I've felt really relaxed for months .

    This is the second time that I have met her .

    This is the fourth time ( that ) I've heard her sing that song .

    This is the only party ( that ) I've ever really enjoyed in my life .

    It's one of the most interesting books ( that ) I've ever read .

    ( 2 ) 现在时可以和 for the first time 连用。试比较:

    This is the first time I've been here . 这是我头一次来这里。 ( 此句不能说... I'm here . )

    I'm here for the first time . 我是头一次来这里。


    ( 3 ) it is time + 动词不定式,这种句型表示"应该做某事了"。例如:

    It's time to go to school ( go to bed ) .

    It's time for you to get a bath . 你该洗个澡了。

    4 . They had come from England , having heard the strange news that Dr Manette , Lucie's father , was alive and was living in Paris . 他们从英国来因为听到一个奇怪的消息--露西的父亲曼奈特医生仍然活着,而且住在巴黎。

  〖 明晰 〗 ( 1 ) having heard the strange news 是现在分词的完成式,作表示原因的状语,相当于一个状语从句 ( as they had heard the strange news ) 。在这个分词短语后面紧跟一个由 that 引导的同位语从句:that Dr Manette...in Paris .

          ( 2 ) 现在分词的完成式是"having + 过去分词"构成,它表示这动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前,常用作状语,表示原因或时间。例如:

    Having finished his work , he went home .

    = After he had finished his work , he went home .

    5 . Dr Manette , having been kept a prisoner in the Bastille , Paris's most important prison , for many years , had recently been set free... 曼奈特医生曾被当作囚犯关在巴黎最重要的监狱巴士底狱多年,最近获释了......

    〖 明晰 〗 ( 1 ) 这个句子的主语和谓语是:Dr Manette had recently been set free , 而 having been kept a prisoner...for many years 作状语,相当于一个表示时间的状语从句:after he had ben kept...for many years .

          ( 2 ) "having been kept..."是现在分词完成式的被动语态形式,它由"having been + 过去分词"构成,表示:已经被......"的意思,在句子中主要作状语,表示时间或原因。

    Lucie Manette , having been told of the news , became excited and decided to start for France immediately . ( = After she had been told of the news , Lucie Manette became excited... ) 露西?曼奈特得知这个消息之后,情绪很激动,决定立即起程去巴黎。 ( 作时间状语 )

    Having been translated into many languages , his book soon became well known in the world . ( = As it has been translated into many languages , his book became... ) 他的书由于译成多种文字,很快就举世闻名了。 ( 作原因状语 )

    6 . The poor of the cities and the peasants in the country , having lived such a hard life for so long . took up their guns and knives and began to kill the rich nobles . 城市贫民和乡村里的农民由于长期以来过着非常艰苦的生活,拿起刀枪开始杀富有的贵族来了。

    〖 明晰 〗 ( 1 ) the poor = poor people . 形容词前加一个定冠词 the,则表示一类人或一类东西。如:the rich ( 富人 ) ,the young ( 年轻人 ) ,the old ( 老年人 ) ,the blind ( 盲人 ) ,the new ( 新的东西 ) ,the ordinary ( 普通的东西 ) ,the unusual ( 不寻常的东西 ) 等。

          ( 2 ) having lived such a hard life for so long 是现在分词的完成式短语,作表示原因的状语,相当于一个状语从句:as they had lied such a hard life for so long .

    句中的 lived 作"度过,过着"解,life 是它的同源宾语。在英语中有些不及物动词如 live , die , sleep , smile , dream , fight , laugh 等后面可有一个意义与它相同的宾语,这样的宾语叫做同源宾语。又如:

    We are now living a happy life . = We are living happily .

    He lived the rest of his life in the United States .

    He died a heroic death in the battle .

    The baby slept a good sleep .

    The little girl smiled a sweet smile .


    I dreamed a beautiful dream last night .

    At this we laughed a hearty laugh .

    She sang a nice song .

    7 . On reading it , he found that a servant of the family in France had been put in prison , through no fault of his own . 读完信后,他得知他法国家中的一名仆人本人没有任何罪过被关进了监 狱。

    〖 明晰 〗 ( 1 ) on reading it = As soon as he read the letter . 介词 on 作"在......时,在......之后"解。相当于一个月 as soon as 引导的表示时间的状语从句。强调这一动作一发生,另一动作立即发生。例如:

    On hearing the news . he burst out crying .

    = As soon as he heard the news . he burst out crying .

    ( 2 ) on 作此义解时,后面还可跟名词。如:

    However , on his arrival in Paris , he was recognized as a noble and thrown into prison . 然而,当他一到巴黎就立即被人认出是贵族,因而被投入监狱。


    其中 on his arrival in Paris = on arriving in Paris = as soon as he arrived in Paris .

    On his return from Beijing . he began his research work .

    8 . Although Lucie married Charles , Sydney promised her that he would always do anything he could for her to make sure of her happiness . 虽然露西嫁经他查尔斯,但是悉尼还是向露西许诺,说为了确保她生活幸福,他愿意为她做一切可能做的事。

    〖 明晰 〗 ( 1 ) 这是一个复合句,主句是 Sydney promised her , 后跟由 that 引起的宾语从句:he would always do anything he could for her to make sure of her happiness . 其中插入了一个省略了关系代词 that 的定语从句: ( that ) he could ( do ) , 修饰先行词 anything。

    ( 2 ) 句首是由 although 引起的让步状语从句

    ( 3 ) 不定式短语"to make sure of her happiness"在句中作目的状语,修饰谓语"would always do anything"。


  【 妙文赏析 】

    老板问盘子干嘛 ?

    When a Korean woman who lives in the United States arrived at work one morning , her boss asked her , "Did you get a plate ? ""No... , "she answered , wondering what in the world he meant . She worked in an office . Why did the boss ask her about a plate ? All day she wondered about her boss's strange question , but she was too embarrassed to ask him about it . At five o'clock , when she was getting ready to go home , her boss said , "Please be on time tomorrow . You were 15 minutes late this morning . ""Sorry , "she said . "My car wouldn't start , and..."Suddenly she said . "My car wouldn't start , and..."Suddenly she stopped talking and began to smile . Now she understood . Her boss hadn't asked her "Did you get a plate ? "He had asked her , "Did you get up late ? "

  【 思维体操 】

    Use Your Head

    A man wants to take a dog , a hen and some rice across a river . But there is only one boat and he can only take one at a time . If he leaves the hen with the rice only , the hen will eat the rice;if he leaves the dog with the hen only , the dog will hurt the hen . He thinks it over and an idea comes to his mind .

    Do you know how the man manages to take them all across the river without the hen's eating the rice and the dog's hurting the hen?

    答案:He takes the hen over first , leaves it there , returns and takes the rice . He leaves the rice and brings the hen back with him . He leaves the hen and takes the dog . Then he leaves the dog and returns for the hen .


  【 心中有数 】



    动名词、分词、不定式由于句意或语法的需要,要带上自身的逻辑主语 (也称作复合结构) ,它们依据在句中所起的不同作用需要不同的形式,在测试中极易混淆,下面是考试的热点:

    ※ 动名词的逻辑主语

    1. I would appreciate ____ back this afternoon .

    A . you to call B . you call C . your calling D . you're calling


    2. Do you mind ____ alone at home ?

    A . Jane leaving B . Jane having left C . Jane's being left D . Jane to be left

    3. How about the two of us ____ a walk down the garden ?

    A . to take B . take C . taking D . to be taking

    4. I can't understand ____ at that poor child .

    A. you to laugh B. you laugh C. why laugh D. you laughing



    1 . 动名词及其逻辑主语在句中一同作主语时,只能用形容词性物主代词或名词所有格,不可用宾格或普通格。如:

    My (Tom's) being late made the teacher angry . (作主语不可用 me 或 Tom)

    His (Smith's) being elected manager surprised us a lot . (作主语不可用 him 或 Smith)

    2 . 动名词及其逻辑主语在句中一同作宾语时,动名词的逻辑主语除用物主代词和名词所有格外,还可用代词宾格或名词普通格。如:


    The teacher is angry at my (Tom's ) being late . (作宾语可用 me 或 Tom)

    Would you mind my (my sister's) turning up the radio a little ? (作宾语可用me 或 my sister)

    ※ 不定式的逻辑主语

    That's really kind ____ .

    A . of you to say so B . for you to say so C . of you saying D . for you saying so

    We think it dangerous ____ swimming alone in the river .

    A . of him to go B . of him going C . for him to go D . for him going


    〖思维二〗1 . 大多数情况下不定式的逻辑主语由"形容词 + for sb . to do"构成。如:

    It is necessary for us to learn a second foreign language .

    Abraham Lincoln thought it not right for the South to break away from the Union .

    2 . 如果逻辑主语前面是表示人的性格特征的形容词如 kind、friendly、clever、wise、cruel、foolish、stupid 等时用"形容词 + of sb . to do"结构。如:


    It's foolish of him to lend so much money to her .

    It's kind of you to have given us so much help .
