

Have you talked to your kids about sex yet? After giving us the strategies-and a handbook-for starting

the conversation, Dr. Laura Berman's back to help the parents of teenagers still struggling with the sex talk.

The talk shouldn't only be about STD prevention and pregnancy, Dr. Berman says. It's also about empowerment-and Dr. Berman says the conversation needs to include pleasure and self-stimulation.

"You don't want her to have sex right now. ... But you eventually want her to have a fulfilling, happy,

loving, intimate sex life," she says. "When the time comes, she's that much more likely to make those

healthy decisions since she feels good about who she is as a sexual person and not just give away that gift

to anybody-the first time or any time."


According to an O, The Oprah Magazine and Seventeen magazine sex survey, 46 percent of 15- to 18-

year-old girls who have had intercourse claim their mothers don't know. The study also says 78 percent of

girls who have had intercourse have not used condoms-and 56 percent say they used no birth control at all.

After dating for three months, 14-year-olds Courtney and Pierce say they're thinking about taking their

relationship to the next level. Both say it would be their first time. "I love her and she's so great, and I just

want to have that experience with her," Pierce says.

"We've done pretty much everything besides sex," Courtney says. "We probably would be having sex if

we had the opportunity to and we wouldn't get interrupted in the middle of it."


Pierce's mom, Lisa, says she noticed how her son was looking at Courtney and started to suspect

something might happen soon. "From my gut, they were getting very, very close to having sex," she says.

Lisa says she began to wrestle with a question few parents want to face-should she buy her son

condoms? "I went to the drugstore, and I stood in the condom aisle for about 30 minutes," she says.

"Making that purchase was probably the hardest thing I ever did, because I didn't want him to think that I

was giving him [approval]. Like, 'Go for it, son.'"


Courtney's mom, Beth, says she found out Courtney and Pierce were dating by accident. "I look outside,and there's Courtney, down the block, arm in arm, kissing this guy I had no idea about," she says.

"I had no idea Courtney was even the least bit interested in boys."

After Courtney's grades started falling, Beth says she did everything she could to keep her in the house.

When Lisa heard Beth had concerns about Pierce and Courtney dating, she called Beth. "[Lisa] said, 'I

just want to open up this communication and let you know that we're on the same wavelength that you

are,'" Beth says. "So I took a real deep breath. Courtney and I talked a little bit more, and I started once

again giving her a lot more freedom to make choices."


Then, Beth says she found out Lisa bought condoms for Pierce. "I was floored," she says. "So then I

thought, 'Maybe Lisa wasn't really being honest with me.'"

Lisa says she understands where Beth is coming from but feels torn. "If she took Courtney to a doctor

and got a cervical cancer vaccination, got her a checkup, got her on birth control, I would pat her on the

back," Lisa says. "I didn't really feel like I needed to run that particular aspect of the information through

her, but I see in hindsight that I was wrong, that I probably should have called her."

Lisa says she is not encouraging Courtney and Pierce to have sex. "I am making sure I am not giving them the opportunity to be alone, so I gave Beth my commitment on that-that there is no den of iniquity

happening in our house," Lisa says.


Dr. Berman says if you suspect that your children are thinking about having sex, you need to ask them

several important questions. The first question Dr. Berman has for Pierce and Courtney is simple-why now?

Get all Dr. Berman's questions for a teen who's thinking about having sex.

"We've been dating for a little while, and we feel like we're ready," Pierce says. "We love each other, and

we're not just doing it because we want to do it. ... We want it to be special."

"I think having sex, intercourse, is a really big step in your life. When you do it for the first time, it has to

be with someone that you really care about," Courtney says. "I do really care about Pierce, and I think for

me to do it with him for the first time would be really special."


Dr. Berman's next question is more direct-how long do Courtney and Pierce plan to stay together?

"Hopefully a long time," Pierce says.

So how long is a long time? "Six months to a year," he says.

Dr. Berman then asks Courtney if she would still want her first time to be with Pierce. "Well, I think if he

limited our relationship to only being six months, I don't think so," she says. "I thought a long time [was]

not having an expiration date."

Many girls Courtney's age feel the same, Dr. Berman says. "When you feel this much love and this much

connection, you are imagining forever," she says.

That's why Dr. Berman says this is an important talk for teens in serious relationships to have. "Before

you have sex, have a really clear conversation about what's going to happen the next day. What's going to

happen a week from now? What's going to happen a month from now?"


Dr. Berman also wants to make sure Courtney and Pierce have thought through the emotional changes that come with sex. "The first time, it comes with intense emotions, intense feelings-especially afterward," she says.

Questions Dr. Berman says they need to consider are:

What does this mean for who I am as a person?

What does this mean for my body?

What does this mean for my relationship with this person?

What happens next?

If they do have sex, have Courtney and Pierce discussed their expectations for how frequently it would

happen? "It's not really up to me," Pierce says. "It's her decision how often she wants to continue doing

it, so I don't really have a choice."

Good answer, Dr. Berman says. "She's got to consent. That's good," she says. "That's part of the

conversation as well."


Lisa put condoms in Pierce's drawer, but have Courtney and Pierce talked about using them? Pierce says

he knows how to put one on...but hasn't actually practiced. "I don't see how it's that hard to figure it out," he says.

Sometimes it can be, Dr. Berman says. "A large percentage of people put them on backward, don't leave

air on the tip and then it breaks," she says. "The number one reason that condoms break is because they

are not put on correctly."

Dr. Berman says that if you're thinking about buying your child condoms, don't just leave them in his

room. "Talk to them about how condoms work. Talk to them about correct use of condoms," she says.

"Show them on a banana how to roll one on correctly."


Birth control is a two-way street, and Dr. Berman asks Courtney and Pierce if they're prepared with two forms of birth control. "No," Courtney says.

"Because condoms break, you must have a second form of birth control," Dr. Berman says.


Dr. Berman's next question is a big one-have Courtney and Pierce discussed what they will do if she gets pregnant? Pierce says he would leave the decision up to her, but Courtney says she can't even think

about it. "I'm scared to even think about that because of how big of an impact it would be on my life," she says.

In fact, one-third of girls in the United States are pregnant by the age of 20-which is why Dr. Berman

says it's a possibility Courtney needs to face. "You have to go down that path and think about it. That's

one of the homework assignments before you have sex," she says. "It doesn't sound like that piece of the

puzzle has been solved yet."


Do Pierce and Courtney understand sexually transmitted diseases? Courtney says they've had

presentations in school about them. "Quite a few times, from sixth grade till now," Pierce says.

Dr. Berman says that's good news. "For the past eight years at least, most schools-if they do have sex

education-it's abstinence-only education," she says. "They teach you about sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy, but they don't necessarily teach you about prevention."


Dr. Berman's final question is one of the most important questions any teen couple must face-are you absolutely sure that neither of you have been with anyone else sexually? "Meaning orally, any other way,"

Dr. Berman says. "If you have, then you would both need to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases before you had sex."

Both Courtney and Pierce say they are absolutely sure they would be each other's first-and Dr. Berman

says she's pleased that Courtney, Pierce and their mothers have had such an open dialogue. "[Parents

saying], 'Don't do it' doesn't work. It's just like putting your head in the sand," Dr. Berman says. "It's

important for you guys to be having these conversations with them, ideally from a much earlier age."


Having considered all Dr. Berman's questions, are Courtney and Pierce still ready to have sex?

"Yeah, I think I'm still ready," Pierce says.

But Courtney isn't so sure. "I'm slowly getting talked out of it," she says.

Dr. Berman says she hopes Courtney and Pierce will wait and says there are other ways to express their

feelings for each other. "There is a lot more that you can do to feel close sexually and to get that sexual

gratification together that you want that doesn't put you at risk for pregnancy and sexually transmitted

diseases," she says.


What should parents know about having this conversation with their own children? "This is the kind of

conversation [where you need to be] calm, listening a lot, asking questions, hear opinions and giving them

your thoughts and feelings," Dr. Berman says.

Get all the questions you should ask a teen who may become sexually active.

Whether you have boys at home or girls, Dr. Berman says the information you give needs to be the same.

"Boys are under a tremendous amount of pressure as well," Dr. Berman says. "I think we really have to

pay attention to that, too, and give them both the same information-the same lack of permission or

permission-as the case may be and the same resources."

你跟你的孩子谈性了吗?之前劳拉 伯曼博士给我们提供过有关如何打开这个话题的策略以 及一本指南手册,现在她回来了,回来帮助那些还在为这个性话题苦苦挣扎的父母们。



奥普拉杂志和美国Seventeen杂志有关性调查显示,46%15到18岁的女孩子说她们的母亲并不 知道她们已经有过性行为。这一研究同时表明了78%的女孩在性交时没有使用安全套,56%声称她们根本就没有采取避孕措施。








贝丝说,考特尼的学习成绩下降后,她用尽招数不让女儿外出。丽莎听说贝丝关心皮尔斯与贝丝的交往后,她跟贝丝通了电话。"丽莎说,'我打电话来是想让你知道我们的想法是 一样的,'"贝丝说,"我松了一口气。考特尼和我稍微聊了一点,我才又给她更多的自由来作出决定。"



























伯曼博士说,如果你考虑给你的孩子买安全套的话,不要把它们留在他的房间里就完事了。"跟他们说说安全套的功能,说说安全套的正确使用方法,"她说,"找个香蕉来演示给他看如何正确地卷上去。 "


避孕措施是双方的,伯曼博士问考特尼和皮尔斯是否准备双方均采取避孕措施。"不,"考 特尼说。



















  • prevention [pri´venʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.预防;阻止;妨碍 四级词汇
  • eventually [i´ventʃuəli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.最后,终于 四级词汇
  • sexual [´sekʃuəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.性(欲)的 六级词汇
  • intercourse [´intəkɔ:s] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.交际;往来;交流 四级词汇
  • taking [´teikiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.迷人的 n.捕获物 六级词汇
  • wrestle [´resəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.&v.摔交;搏斗;角力 四级词汇
  • practiced [´præktist] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.经验丰富的;熟练的 六级词汇
  • pregnant [´pregnənt] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.怀孕的;含蓄的 六级词汇
  • impact [´impækt] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.影响,作用;冲击 六级词汇