

片名:The Mummy: Tomb Of The Dragon Emporer


导演:罗伯•科恩 Rob Cohen

编剧: 约翰-富斯科

主演:布兰登•弗莱瑟 Brendan Fraser

杨紫琼 Michelle Yeoh

李连杰 Jet Li


国家/地区: 德国/加拿大/美国

魔幻历险系列电影最新篇《木乃伊3》将故事发生地从神秘的埃及移师到中国,将中国文化、功夫与木乃伊传奇相融合, 讲述了2000多年前,秦始皇遭女巫诅咒,和兵将一起被变成了兵马俑,封印在地下宫殿中。如今,隐居于英国牛津郡的冒险家里克和妻子伊芙琳,把一件从中国上海博物馆偷走的珍贵文物物归原主。来到中国的里克,惊惧地发现当年被封印的帝王竟被唤醒,沉睡多年的帝王誓言要让世人皆陷暴政,一场惊心动魄的大战随即开始。

The mummy has come to China. Or rather, the third installment in the popular film franchise, The Mummy, is set in China and its cast includes three well-known Chinese actors.

Though The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor is not the only Hollywood blockbuster to feature Chinese elements in recent years, it is among the most prominent.

In one of the most exciting scenes, the emperor unleashes his terracotta army, which has been buried underground for nearly 2,000 years.

The plot draws upon the true history of Qinshihuang, the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty. Discovered in 1974, the tomb located near the city of Xi'an, Shanxi province, has attracted visitors and archaeologists from around the world to see the 7,000 terracotta soldiers and hundreds of chariots and horses made for the emperor's tomb.

The booby traps featured in the movie's tomb scene were inspired by the legend that the real Qinshihuang tomb is full of traps the emperor ordered built to protect him from enemies even after death.

Director Rob Cohen is a passionate lover of Chinese culture. Li describes him as "outside American and inside Chinese".

The director stresses the film's mission is not too serious. "It is an entertaining film," he says. "Things the director thinks funny and appealing he adds them to the film. If you find fun and laugh, that's enough."

For his part, Li said he especially enjoyed being able to play a villain. He is best known for playing heroes in Asian movies. "I have played too many good guys," he told the TV show Access Hollywood. "It's very heavy, because the good guy has the responsibility of taking care of his family, wives, children, neighbors, dog. Being good is not easy." In contrast, he points out, "The bad guy is straightforward, selfish. I like the girl. It belongs to me. I like his car, give to me."

The film also stars Brendan Fraser, who continues his role as Rick O'Connell. He is joined in his adventures by his wife Evelyn, played by Maria Belloand, and son Alex, played by Luke Ford. In the film, the O'Connell family must save the world by stopping the ferocious Dragon Emperor from carrying out his diabolical plans.
  • franchise [´fræntʃaiz] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.选举权;特许权 六级词汇
  • dynasty [´dinəsti] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.王朝;朝代 四级词汇
  • villain [´vilən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.坏人;恶棍;反面角色 四级词汇
  • taking [´teikiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.迷人的 n.捕获物 六级词汇
  • ferocious [fə´rəuʃəs] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.凶猛的;残忍的 六级词汇