


A Qatari company signed a contract with two South Korean shipbuilding giants to construct the world's largest liquified natural gas (LNG) carriers at a cost of 2.5 billion dollars.


据法新社5月24日报道,卡塔尔天然气运输公司在一份声明中表示,该公司已经向韩国大宇造船及海运公司定购了3艘容积可达26.5万立方米的名为"QMax" 的液化天然气运输船,而另外3艘同样船只的建造合同则由韩国三星重工业公司获得。按照此份声明的说法,这6艘船只建成后将成为世界上容量最大的液化天然气运输船。


A Qatari company signed a contract with two South Korean shipbuilding giants to construct the world's largest liquified natural gas (LNG) carriers at a cost of 2.5 billion dollars.

Qatar Gas Transport Company said in a statement that it has ordered three "QMax" LNG carriers with a capacity of 265,000 cubic metres (9.3 million cubic feet) each from Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine, and another three from Samsung Heavy Industries.

The carriers will be the largest in the world in terms of capacity, the statement said.

The signing of the deal coincided with the fifth annual Asia Cooperation Dialogue meeting taking place in Doha with the participation of Asian foreign ministers including South Korea's Ban Ki-Moon.

The carriers will be leased to Qatar Liquefied Gas Company, a joint venture between Qatar Petroleum and energy giant ExxonMobil, to transport LNG from one of their largest projects at the North Field, estimated to contain nearly 10 percent of the world's proven gas reserves.

Qatar Gas Transport, which has already received four carriers over the past two years, intends to invest a total of 16 billion dollars to have a fleet of 61 carriers by 2010, its chairman Faisal al-Suwaidi said at the signing ceremony in Doha.

The Gulf Arab state of Qatar is set to be the world's biggest exporter of LNG by 2010 with an annual output of 30 million tonnes and is pushing to take production to 45 million tonnes a year.
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