
eg. She is a nice girl.
Eg. Is she a nice girl?
Eg. What a nice girl she is!
Do you like English?
Eg. Isn’t she tall?
eg. Who works the hardest?
eg. Which team won the match?
eg. You have lost your pen。
2. 在There be 句型中(be 还可换成live, lie等表示状态的动词),要用全倒装.
Eg. There are a lot people in the hall.
Eg. Long long ago, there lived a king.
3. 以there, here , now , then 等引起的句子中,谓语动词常为be , come , go 等,要用全倒装。
Eg. There are some picture books.
Eg. Come your turn.
eg. Here they are.
4. 在so(肯定句),neither 和nor (f否定句)引起的句子中,表示前面的情况也适于另一个人或物时,用部分倒装:
eg. I went there yesterday. Do did she.
Eg. Tome doesn’t like bananas. Neither/ Nor do I.
Eg. ---It was cold yesterday . --- So it was.
5. 省略if的虚拟条件句中的部分倒装。
Eg. If I had listened to the teacher carefully, I would have known the answer.
= Had I listened to the teacher carefully ,…
6. 某些由as, be 等引导的让步壮语从句用倒装或前置:
eg. Everyone must obey the rule, be he a teacher or a student.
Eg. Child as he is , he knows a lot.
7. 某些表示祝愿的句子中用倒装。
Eg. Long live China.
Eg. May your country become stronger.
8. “Only +状语”位于句首使用部分倒装
eg. Only in this way can you solve the problem.
eg. Only when the war was over could he go on studying.
★“only +主语”位于句首时,不用倒装:
eg. Only he knows the answer.
9. 具有否定意义的词语(主语除外)位于句首时用倒装。
这类词有:not , never, seldom, rarely, hardly, not until, not only… but also…, neither…(nor), no sooner … than…, hardly / scarcely … when./ before…, by no means, in no times等。
Eg. Never shall I forget the day.
(比较:I shall never forget the day.)
eg. Not only does he like English, but also he learns it well.
Not only…but also…, neither… nor连接主语时,虽位于句首也不用倒装语序。
Eg. Not only I but also she likes English.
10. so/ such …that…结构中,so或such位于句首加强语气时,用倒装:
eg. So angry was he that he couldn’t speak.
11. in, out , away. off, up, down 等副词开头的句子中,为了使情景更生动,用完全倒装。
Eg. Up went the arrow into the air.
Eg. Away they went.
12. 整个(或部分)直接引语置于名词充当的主语前时,用完全倒装:
eg. “They must be in the fields now.”, thought Mr. LI.

倒装语序 : 部分倒装(即把谓语动词的一部分移至主语前)
定义: 为保持句子平衡或强调某一部分,把谓语一部分或全部放在主语前,主谓倒置。
1.There be : eg. There are many students in the classroom.
2.表方位,时间的副词放句首: here, there , in ,out, up, down, away, off, now, then.主语是代词时不倒装。(谓语动词常是come, go , rush, run ,lie, run . sit 等不及物动词)
eg. A scream of joy came then.
Eg. The price went up and up.
Eg. They rushed out in a hurry.
Eg. A professor stood in a lecture hall.
Eg. A house stood at the foot of a mountain.
Eg. The national flag was fastened to the pole.
Eg. The days are gone when the Chinese used the foreign oil.
二. 部分倒装。即把谓语动词的一部分移至主语前,如助动词或情态动词。
1.具有否定含义的词放句首:(1) not/ never/ seldom/ neither/ nor/ little/ rarely/ scarcely
(2) in no case / at no time / by no means/ not … until / not only
no sooner… than/ scarcely/ hardly … when
eg. He not only likes English, but also he learns it well.
Eg. I have never met such a thing in my lifetime.
Eg. He did not make a single mistake.
Eg. Ch
  • yesterday [´jestədi] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.&ad.昨天;前不久   (初中英语单词)
  • everyone [´evriwʌn] 移动到这儿单词发声  pron.=everybody 每人   (初中英语单词)
  • rarely [´reəli] 移动到这儿单词发声  ad.难得;非凡地   (初中英语单词)
  • scream [skri:m] 移动到这儿单词发声  v.&n.尖叫(声)   (初中英语单词)
  • lifetime [´laiftaim] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.一生,终生,寿命   (高中英语单词)