
库彻(Ashton Kutcher)虽说曾在大银幕上饰演过苹果公司(Apple Inc.)的乔布斯(Steve Jobs),但他的下一个角色才真正让他实打实地进入到个人电脑领域。中国个人电脑制造商联想集团有限公司(Lenovo Group Ltd.)将聘请库彻协助设计平板电脑,这是该公司向美国消费者推广其品牌的最新策略。

Ashton Kutcher may have played Apple Inc.'s Steve Jobs on the big screen, but his next role has him firmly in the PC camp.

在出演过包括《70年代秀》(That '70s Show)和《好汉两个半》(Two and a Half Men)等多部美剧以及在传记片《乔布斯》中扮演这位苹果已故领导者之后,库彻将在他的简历中增加一个新的职衔——联想的产品工程师。

Chinese personal computer maker Lenovo Group Ltd. is hiring Mr. Kutcher to help design its tablets, its latest ploy to market its brand to U.S. consumers.


After starring in various TV shows from 'That '70s Show' to 'Two and a Half Men,' as well as the biopic 'Jobs' on Apple's late leader, Mr. Kutcher will add a new title to his resume as Lenovo product engineer.

这并不是联想首次聘用美国名人。今年早些时候,该公司曾聘请NBA球星布莱恩特(Kobe Bryant)代言,在中国和其他市场推广旗舰手机K900。

Lenovo said Mr. Kutcher 'will work with the company's engineering teams around the world to develop and market the Yoga line of tablets by providing input and decision-making into design, specifications, software and usage scenarios.'


This isn't the first time for Lenovo to hire a U.S. celebrity. Earlier this year, the company used National Basketball Association star Kobe Bryant in its ad campaign to promote the K900 flagship smartphone in China and some other markets.


But Lenovo insists that Mr. Kutcher's role will be very different from those of any other celebrities it has hired in the past for promotional purposes.


'Ashton will be actually coming into our labs and attending meetings with our engineers,' said a Lenovo spokesman. Mr. Kutcher of course won't be working for Lenovo eight hours a day, but he will actually share his opinions with Lenovo engineers developing new tablets, the spokesman said.


The spokesman declined to disclose how much Lenovo is paying Mr. Kutcher for his role.

联想首次在中国以外受到关注是在2005年,当时该公司收购了国际商业机器公司(IBM)的个人电脑业务。自那以来,联想的个人电脑业务有所扩张,今年早些时候,该公司最终取代惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard Co.)成为全球最大的个人电脑制造商。然而,在中国以外地区的品牌认知度方面,联想还有很长一段路要走。

Perhaps more than his input on tablet designs, Lenovo could use some of Mr. Kutcher's social media savvy. Mr. Kutcher, who has more than 15 million Twitter followers, tweeted Tuesday: 'Really excited to help shape future of tech with @Lenovo.'

Juro Osawa