

在美国,交叉盘交易是指同一经纪商在一笔交易中代买卖双方进行交易,亦称"交叉代理"(agency cross)或"双重代理"(dual agency)。在英国,交叉盘交易称为put through。交叉盘也可指经纪商将股票的买单与卖单相互抵消,令其不出现在交易所的交易记录上。 这种做法通常被视为是非法的,其风险是买方或卖方不能获得公平的市场价格。


In the US, a cross is where the broker acts for both the buyer and seller of a security in the same deal. This is also known as an agency cross or dual agency, or in the UK it is known as a put through. Cross can also refer to a practice, usually illegal, where the buy and sell orders for a stock are offset by a broker without being recorded as a trade on the exchange. The risk is that either the buyer or the seller will not receive the fair market price.

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