
Making audio and video calls between computers over Skype is now so common that the company's name has become a verb. People ask others to 'Skype me' or say they are 'Skyping.'


但这家卢森堡公司在打入其他公司已经开展的两个领域--手机视频通话和电脑群视频会议--时动作稍显迟缓。现在,Skype已经进入了这两个领域,我对这些功能进行了测试。几周前,Skype推出了向iPhone上的Skype应用程式免费拨打手机视频电话的功能,并计划将相同的功能扩展到将在今年晚些时候推出的某些运行Verizon公司新4G网路的Android平台手机上。在上周的电子消费品展览会(Consumer Electronics Show)上,Skype开通了一项尚在测试的付费服务,该项服务允许用户在电脑上进行群视频通话。

But the Luxembourg-based service had been a bit slow in getting into a couple of areas that other companies have jumped into: mobile video calling, and computer-based group videoconferencing. Now, Skype has entered both arenas, and I've been testing the features. A couple of weeks ago, Skype introduced free mobile video calling to its iPhone app and has plans to extend the same functionality to certain Android-based phones running on Verizon's new 4G network later this year. And, last week, at the Consumer Electronics Show, it launched a paid service it had been testing that allows for group video calling on computers.


通过手机进行视频通话是一种新型服务,在去年配有前置摄像头的多款智能手机上市后才开始逐渐成熟。苹果公司(Apple)推出了一项名为FaceTime的免费视频通话服务,它先被预装进iPhone 4,然后又被预装进iPod Touch--这两款设备现在都有前置摄像头--和苹果电脑。多款带有前置摄像头的Android平台手机都预装了叫做Qik的视频通话应用程式,Skype刚刚买下这一程式,不过该公司称其在交易之前已经开发出自己的手机系统。去年,Tango公司推出了为iPhone和Android设计的视频通话应用程式。

My verdict: Like some competing services, Skype's mobile video calling varies greatly in quality and therefore isn't especially reliable. Its computer-based group video calling, however, worked well in my limited tests and is nicely designed.


而且,Skype的iPhone视频通话不像苹果的FaceTime只能在Wi-Fi网路中使用,而是和其他某些竞争者一样,还可以在手机的3G蜂窝网路下使用,尽管此时的效果通常较差。和其他产品一样,Skype允许用户通话时在前置摄像头和后置摄像头之间切换。与FaceTime不同,它可以在旧版iPhone 3GS下运行,尽管后者只有后置摄像头。它甚至能让用户在iPad上接听视频通话,不过用户不能从平板电脑上发送视频资讯,因为平板电脑上没有摄像头。

Making video calls over mobile phones is a nascent practice, one that began to get serious only last year, when multiple smart phones with front-facing cameras came to market. Apple introduced a free video-calling service called FaceTime that was integrated into the iPhone 4 and later added to the iPod Touch -- both of which now have front cameras -- and the Macintosh. Various Android phones with front-facing cameras shipped with a video-calling app called Qik, which Skype just bought, though it says it developed its mobile system prior to the deal. Tango launched video-calling apps for both iPhone and Android last year.

我对Skype手机视频通话进行了两轮测试,两次都是在华盛顿(Washington, D.C.)地区和纽约市(New York City)之间进行的。在第一轮测试中,我和我儿子使用Wi-Fi和3G网路进行了视频通话。在第二轮中,我与Skype的一位销售代表进行了测试。在两轮测试中,双方都使用Wi-Fi或至少有一方使用Wi-Fi的通话效果比双方都使用3G蜂窝网路的通话效果要好。Skype指出,这是由于蜂窝数据网路速度和拥堵的不可预测性造成的。在两轮测试中,一方使用电脑的情况下通话效果也更好。


Now, Skype has joined the fray. And it brings some advantages. The biggest is its huge subscriber" target="_blank" title="n.捐款人;预约者">subscriber base, from which you can choose to have a mobile video call with anyone whose device includes a camera. You can do video calling between two iPhones, two computers or one of each.


在两轮测试中,即使忽略打进来的普通手机电话, Skype的通话也会中断,要么是音频被切断,要么是视频被中止,或者两者均被停止。Skype称,这是iPhone作业系统的问题,并称其正在与苹果公司协商解决方案。

Also, unlike Apple's FaceTime, which works only over Wi-Fi, Skype's iPhone video calling, like those of some competitors, also works over the phone's 3G cellular network, though typically with inferior results. Like other products, Skype allows you to switch between front and rear cameras during a call. Unlike FaceTime, it works with the older iPhone 3GS, though the latter has only a rear camera. It even allows you to receive video calls on an iPad, though you can't transmit video from the tablet, as it lacks cameras.



I tested Skype mobile video calling in two rounds, in both cases between the Washington, D.C., area and New York City. In the first round, I conducted video calls with my son, using both Wi-Fi and 3G. In the second, I conducted tests with a Skype representative. In both rounds, calls made over Wi-Fi on both ends, or even just one end, were better than those made using 3G cellular on both ends. Skype notes this is due to the unpredictability of cellular data network speeds and congestion. And, in both rounds of tests, calls where one party was on a computer worked better.

我和四名Skype的员工参加了测试,他们每人都单独使用一台电脑。每人的头像都出现在黑暗屏幕上各自的图框中,我可以选择是否在一个较小的图框中显示自己的头像。发言者的图框边缘是蓝色。你也可以开启Windows版中一个很酷的功能:Dynamic View,它可以放大主发言者的图框,并把它移到屏幕顶部。(Skype称,该公司希望最终将Dynamic View加入Mac版。)


But, in general, the service was erratic. Far too often, the images were fuzzy, or syncing between audio and video was off, or the calls would freeze or crash. Only a minority of the calls were truly satisfactory for more than a few minutes. Skype does warn you if your network quality is too poor for a decent video experience, but, even if the app deems your networkconnectionacceptable, the call may still look or sound lousy.

Walter S. Mossberg

In the tests with my son, we compared the Skype calls to FaceTime calls and found the latter to be much better, though hardly perfect. In fairness, this was also true when I tested Tango last year, and may have something to do with the fact that FaceTime is Wi-Fi only and is deeply integrated into the iPhone, while Apple doesn't allow third parties like Skype the same level of integration.

In both rounds of tests, incoming regular cellphone calls, even when ignored, disrupted the Skype calls, by either cutting out the audio or freezing the video, or both. Skype claims this is a problem with the iPhone's operating system and it is working with Apple on a solution.

Skype's computer-based group-calling feature worked much better, though my tests were more limited, and were conducted with a group of Skype employees who were using a wired office networkconnection. (I was on Wi-Fi at my home.)

Group calling, which can handle between three and 10 people, is a feature of the latest Windows version of Skype, and of the latest beta version for the Mac. I tested both and found the Windows version had a few more features, being complete, but both versions did work. You can set up a group in advance in your Skype contact list and call all members with one click, or you can add people on the fly.

In my tests, there were four Skype employees, each at separate computers, plus me. Each appeared in his or her own box on a dark screen and I could optionally see myself in a smaller box. The box containing whoever is speaking is outlined in blue. You can also turn on a cool feature in the Windows version called Dynamic View, which enlarges the box of the lead speaker and moves it to the top of the screen. (Skype says it hopes to add this Dynamic View to the Mac version eventually.)

In contrast to my mobile tests, this more limited test of group video calling provided very good quality, with almost no fuzziness, freezing or syncing issues. I can't say how it would work over slow networks, and Skype does publish minimum bandwidth and processor recommendations for using it. But it worked well for me. The group video-calling feature is part of a plan that costs $8.99 a month, after a seven-day free trial. Skype is running a sale until Feb. 28 that cuts the price by a third if you subscribe for three or 12 months. It also offers a day pass for $4.99 a day.

Overall, I'd say Skype has nailed paid group video calling on computers, but has work to do on its free mobile video calling. Perhaps the advent of faster 4G networks will help make mobile video calls better.

Walter S. Mossberg