
歌曲1:新年好 Good Luck in the New Year

四季里收成好 after the good harvests in all four seasons
转眼又是新年到 soon comes the new year.
新年到丰收的新年多热闹 what a joyful new year!
大街小巷放鞭炮 firecrackers are crackling in every neighborhood
舞龙灯踩高跷 people play the dragon lanterns, walk on the stilts
迎财神接元宝 receive fortune god and silver nuggets

家家户户乐逍遥 every family is brimming with happiness
四季里收成好 after the good harvests in all four seasons
转眼又是新年到 soon comes the new year
新年到丰收的新年多热闹 what a joyful year!
大街小巷啊放鞭炮 firecrackers are crackling in every neighborhood
舞龙灯踩高跷 people play the dragon lanterns and walk on the stilts.
迎财神接元宝 and receive fortune god and silver nuggets
家家户户乐逍遥 every family is brimming with happiness
过新年人人笑 everybody laughs
见面说声新年好 saying to each other "good luck in the new year!"
新年好 good luck in the new year
快乐的新年多热闹 what a joyful new year!
无论男女和老少 old and young, men and women
穿新衣戴新帽 all are dressed up in new clothes
大家乐乐陶陶 each brimming with happiness

大家欢迎新年到 let's welcome the new year
过新年人人笑 everybody laughs
见面说声新年好 saying to each other "good luck in the new year!"
新年好 good luck in the new year
快乐的新年多热闹 what a joyful new year
无论男女和老少 old and young, men and women
穿新衣戴新帽 all are dressed up in new clothes
大家乐乐陶陶 each brimming with happiness
大家欢迎新年到 let's welcome the new year.
好新年新年好 good luck in the new year and new year with good luck

歌曲2:恭喜发财 Wish You Prosperity and Wealth
恭喜你发财 wish you prosperity and wealth
恭喜你精彩 wish you brilliant life
最好的请过来 best things come and
不好的请走开 bad ones go away
oh 礼多人不怪 you can never enough of it.
我祝满天下的女孩 I wish girls around the world
嫁一个好男孩 each marry a good boy
两小口永远在一块 the young couples always stick together
我祝满天下的小孩 I wish kids around the world would be
聪明胜过秀才 smarter than professors
智商充满你脑袋 All are with heads full of good ideas
我祝尊敬的奶奶 I wish the respectable grannies
三十六圈的比赛 can run 36 laps around the track
气不喘面容不改 with great ease
我祝三叔公的买卖 I wish my uncle a booming business
生意扬名四海 and a fame around the world
财运亨通住豪宅 May he make a good fortune and live in a posh house.
大摇大摆 and stride forward
乐天替你消灾 be happy-go-lucky and misfortunes never come
恭喜发财 wish you prosperity and wealth
要喊得够豪迈 say it loud
恭喜发财 wish you prosperity and wealth
恭喜你发财 wish you prosperity and wealth
我恭喜你精彩 wish you brilliant life
最好的请过来 best things come to you
不好的请走开 bad ones go away
oh 礼多人不怪 you can never say enough of it.

祝大家笑口常开 everybody always has smile on face
用心把爱去灌溉 nurture love with heart
明天呀我们更厉害 and will be greater tomorrow
我祝全世界的无奈 I wish all the frustrations run away
跑得比那黑人更快 faster than Bolt
岁岁年年出人才 talents come up every year
大摇大摆 all stride forward
乐天替你消灾 be happy-go-lucky and misfortunes never come
恭喜发财 wish you prosperity and wealth
要喊得够豪迈 say it loud
恭喜你发财 wish you prosperity and wealth
恭喜你精彩 wish you brilliant life
最好的请过来 best things come
不好的请走开 bad ones go away
oh 礼多人不怪 you can never say enough of it
恭喜你发财 wish you prosperity and wealth
恭喜你精彩 wish you brilliant life
最好的请过来 best things come
不好的请走开 bad ones go away
oh 礼多人不怪 you can never say enough of it.
恭喜发财 wish you prosperity and wealth

歌曲3: 小拜年 New-year Visits

正月里过新年哪 now it comes the new year
亲朋好友真高兴 friends and relatives are all rejoicing
家家户户来迎接呀 every household is waiting for visitors
炮竹响连天哪 firecrackers are crackling and spluttering
每一家每一户 on every door
贴上一副新对联 there are red paper couplets

正月里过新年哪 now it comes the new year
小朋友最欢喜哪 kids are the happiest
忙着穿上新衣裳哪 put on their new clothes
快呀快来贺年 get ready to pay new-year visits
爸爸哪妈妈呀 Daddy and mommy
多给一些压岁钱 give me a fat red packet

正月里过新年哪 new year has come
女孩子更热闹哪 girls are more busy and exciting
大姐戴的梅花帽啊 the eldest sister wears plum blossom hat
二姐穿上紫罗装 the elder sister put on her purple silk blouse
小妹妹哪穿上那 the youngest sister
如意吉祥红缎鞋 put on the red silk shoes that symbolize good luck

正月里过新年哪 now it comes new year season
亲朋好友真高兴 relatives and friends are all rejoicing
大家见面道恭喜呀 everybody greets each other
恭喜您好运道哪 wish you good luck
多财哪多子哪 more fortune, more children,
快乐呀又安康啊 peace and happiness
