
More companies are planning to hire business-school graduates in 2011 but most aren't planning to offer higher salaries, according to a survey conducted by the Graduate Management Admission Council, which administers the GMAT business-school exam.

负责GMAT考试的美国商学院研究生入学考试委员会(Graduate Management Admission Council,以下简称GMAC)组织的一项调查显示,2011年,有更多的企业打算聘用商学院毕业生,但大多数公司并不打算提高薪酬标准。

Sixty-four percent of executives, managers and recruiters polled plan to hire new M.B.A. grads in 2011, up from 60% who said they did so in 2010.


Yet 69% said they expected salaries offered to M.B.A. grads would remain flat with those in 2010. Only 26% expected an increase, while 4% forecast a decrease. The survey was conducted in November and included 210 executives, managers and recruiters from 194 companies.


Dave Wilson, president and chief executive officer of GMAC, says the hiring uptick reflects the general economic recovery as well as strength in particular industries such as technology and energy.

在GMAC的总裁兼首席执行长威尔逊(Dave Wilson)看来,企业用人需求的回升反映了经济的总体复苏以及某些特定行业的实力,比如科技业和能源业。

But he says the job market isn't yet strong enough for many companies to need higher salaries to attract good candidates.


'As the economy recovers, the demand for management grows, and the M.B.A. market is one of the easiest targets to go after,' Mr. Wilson says. 'Nowadays, companies can get a well-trained asset at a reasonable price.'


At the University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business, students slated to graduate in 2011 who have received job offers have generally reported salaries similar to what 2010 graduates got, says Peter Giulioni, assistant dean and executivedirector of M.B.A. career services. But there has been a slight uptick in the number of employers offering signing bonuses and relocation packages, he says.

据南加州大学(University of Southern California)马歇尔商学院(Marshall School of Business)的副院长兼MBA职业服务中心的主任朱廖尼(Peter Giulioni)介绍,该校已经收到工作邀约的2011届毕业生所报告的薪资水平和去年没有太大区别。但提供签约奖金和外派补助的企业数量有所上升。

Employers' hiring plans, of course, may change. About a quarter of survey respondents said they hired fewer M.B.A.s in 2010 than they had originally anticipated.


Diana Middleton

Diana Middleton