
When she gave birth to her daughter last July, Cassie Friesen, of Broomfield, Colo., imagined she was inside a bubble and repeated the word 'peace' with each contraction.

2009年7月,美国科罗拉多州布鲁姆菲尔德(Broomfield)的凯希•弗里森(Cassie Friesen)生下一个女儿。分娩时,她想像着自己缩在一个泡泡当中,每次阵痛来袭,她就重复喊着"安静"这两个字。


The 25-year-old former nanny learned these relaxation and visualization techniques in a hypnotherapy course she took in hopes of minimizing the pain of childbirth. 'It's so corny-sounding,' she says, and yet it worked. She describes her daughter Aster's July 7 arrival as 'fun -- even enjoyable,' words not many other mothers use when describing the experience.

为寻求能在分娩时替代麻醉剂和其他医学干预手段的方法,越来越多的女性正在参加催眠课程,有些医院也在向病人推荐这种课程。斯坦福大学(Stanford University)精神病学教授大卫•斯比格(David Spiegel)说,催眠是一种深层次的放松,在这种状态下,一个人很容易接受暗示,脑部一些特定的感知方式会发生变化。


Seeking alternatives to anesthetics and other kinds of medicalintervention in childbirth, more women are turning to hypnotherapy courses -- and some hospitals are recommending them to patients. Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation in which a person is susceptible to the power of suggestion and the brain's perception of certain senses can be altered, says David Spiegel, psychiatry professor at Stanford University. It has been successfully used for weight loss, smoking cessation and pain management.

20世纪90年代初,玛丽•芒根(Marie Mongan)在新罕布什尔州的奇贾斯特市(Chichester)创建了HypnoBirthing LLC公司。芒根女士以前是一名大学辅导员,接受过催眠的专业培训,著有《催眠分娩》(HypnoBirthing)一书。如今,美国有1,300多名经过"芒根法"(Mongan Method)认证的教练,引导夫妻进行自我想像练习,如"盛开的玫瑰"和"彩虹放松"等,这些技巧可以在分娩过程中加以运用。加州斯坦顿市(Stanton)的Hypnobabies LLC公司起初在一家社区中心经营,创始人凯瑞•塔斯科夫(Kerry Tuschhoff)说,现在公司每年向2万名妇女提供培训课程和自学教材。塔斯科夫女士以前是一名催眠分娩教练,2002年开始自立门户。她的方法提倡"睁眼分娩催眠"(eyes-open childbirth hypnosis),据说能让女性时刻保持在深度催眠当中,即使是走路、说话和分娩时在房间里折腾都能保持催眠状态。


Hypnotherapy-based childbirth classes range from a $140 home-study course of CDs to instructor-led courses in homes or hospitals costing as much as $500. Pregnant women learn to train the mind to relax on demand and avoid dwelling on pain. In the classes' special vocabulary, contractions may be called 'pressure waves,' and complications may become 'special circumstances.'

玛丽•哈撒韦(Marjie Hathaway)和她丈夫共同开发了名为"布莱德利法"(Bradley Method)的生育准备课程,在20世纪70年代风靡一时。她对不少人在无药式分娩过程中会觉得"舒适"或"无痛"的说法嗤之以鼻。她说,我觉得这是在撒谎。分娩可能是女人一辈子要干的最痛苦的一件工作。基于产科医师罗伯特•布莱德利(Robert Bradley)的技巧,"布莱德利法"避免在分娩过程中使用药物,但并不传授催眠方法。布莱德利培训班鼓励夫妻一起做放松-紧张练习,每年约有2万人参加这种培训。


HypnoBirthing LLC was started in Chichester, N.H., in the early 1990s by Marie Mongan, a former college counselor trained in hypnotherapy and author of the book 'HypnoBirthing.' Today, more than 1,300 certified 'Mongan Method' instructors guide couples through visualization sequences like 'opening rose' and 'rainbow relaxation,' to be used during delivery. Hypnobabies LLC, of Stanton, Calif., began in a community center and now sells classes and self-study kits to some 20,000 women a year, according to founder Kerry Tuschhoff, a former HypnoBirthing instructor who launched her own brand in 2002. Her method promotes 'eyes-open childbirth hypnosis,' in which women are said to remain in deep hypnosis even as they walk, talk and move around the room during labor.

法国产科医师费尔南德•拉马兹(Fernand Lamaze)是利用心理条件反射和呼吸模式来缓解分娩痛苦的先驱,在20世纪50年代便推广实践这些方法。在医院,"拉马兹法"(Lamaze Method)至今仍广为传授。简尼特•淑华兹(Jeanette Schwart)说,以催眠为核心的分娩培训课程是"很自然的下一步"。她是一名持证护士,也是位于北卡罗来纳州首府罗利(Raleigh)的国际生育教育协会(International Childbirth Education Association)的主席,该机构的会员都是生育培训专家和医疗卫生人士。淑华兹不倾向于任何一种生育准备课程,她说夫妻应该在做出决定前多研究几种方法。

有些产科医师对催眠分娩法持反对态度,认为催眠法并不比医院常见的分娩方法更管用。对此,芒根在书中提到医院在分娩过程中经常用到的一种"强迫用力法"(forced pushing)。她这样写道:分娩时用力反而会起到反效果,实际上减缓了分娩过程。女性生孩子的时候想要用力,这是一种条件反射,出于一种根深蒂固的观念,认为婴儿无法自己降生下来。芒根没有让分娩的女性去用力,而是教她们运用"自然的分娩反射"以及"分娩呼吸法"。

'Many Hypnobabies moms have pain-free and fear-free births,' Ms. Tuschhoff writes in her course introduction. The pain of childbirth, she said in an interview, is transformed into 'comfortable feelings.'

Anne Marie Chaker