After sending shudders through the
diplomaticcommunity and the military with its
release of troves of documents in recent months, WikiLeaks' has turned its sights to Wall Street.
Julian Assange, the secretive
founder of WikiLeaks, told Forbes that he's planning a leak early next year
related to 'a big U.S. bank.'
'We have one
related to a bank coming up, that's a megaleak. It's not as big a scale as the Iraq material, but it's either tens or hundreds of thousands of documents depending on how you
define it....
维基解密来去无踪的创始人阿桑奇(Julian Assange)对《福布斯》(Forbes)说,他打算在明年年初公布与"美国一家大银行"有关的文件。
It will give a true and representative
insight into how banks
behave at the
executive level in a way that will
stimulate investigations and reforms, I presume.'
Shira Ovide